Harman ahead with NO votes left to count
LIVE from the OC Registrar of Voters…
There are no votes left to count. So the unofficial final count in SD 35 is 37,840 (38.76%) for Harman, 37,604 (38.52%) for Harkey and 22,176 (22.72%) for the Democrat, Caballero.
So, while there are no more votes to count, there are almost a hundred thousand votes to be RE-counted. Which is what I think will happen now.
A .24% difference (236 votes) seems like a small number of votes to pick up, but as someone who has worked a lot of recounts, it would be impressive if Diane Harkey could make this up. that said, improbable is not impossible.
Acting Registrar Neal Kelley will certify this election soon, and then it will be Team Harkey’s call, on whether to finance a hand-count of the ballots…
Stay tuned!… Read More