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Barry Jantz

Jessica’s Law Announcement

If there was really ever any question after the number of signatures submitted, Jessica’s Law has qualified for the November ballot. As a result, the citizens of the State of California will have a direct ability to enact what the predator and pedophile apologists in the legislature have denied them for several years…an ability to have a sensible means of protecting our neighborhoods and children.

Cities like National City, Santee and La Mesa (my own) in SD County and others in the state have in the meantime taken matters into our own hands, by enactingor looking at laws that effectively flaunt current state law in this regard, by adopting local ordinances restricting the presence of registered sex offenders from areas where children congregate. We believe we must, because to wait for the state to do the right thing does not make our kids any safer while we’re biding our time. And, by the way, this doesn’t exactly put us in a good light with the ACLU and ambulance chasers.

Jessica’s Law will change all that, making local ordinances a moot point by placing significant restrictions on sex offenders. I believe in local control,… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Standing on Shaky Ground

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the 1906 Earthquake and Fire. At 4:30 a.m. this morning, Mayor Gavin Newson and other city officials gathered together to mark the anniversary at the Lotta’s Fountain memorial in the Financial District which is dedicated to those who lost their lives in the earthquake and ensuing fire (the earthquake struck shortly after 5 a.m. in 1906).

Of course, very few of us around today could possibly remember the 1906 earthquake. Loma Prieta is another story. The tremors of that great quake even shook the State Capitol, where I worked in 1989. Everyone who lives in the Bay Area today can’t help to wonder: "when is the next big one going to hit?" A big discussion point at dinner parties is whether or not you have earthquake insurance.

We bought our house in Oakland in 2002… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Advice to George Plescia, Part I – Congrats to Sheriff Carona

GEORGE PLESCIA BECOMES LEADER Yesterday, with little fanfare, Assembly George Plescia of San Diego County became the new Leader of Assembly Republicans. We’ll be focusing more on Plescia and the challenges ahead of him in the coming weeks. But we want to give FR friend Plescia a hearty congratulations as he assumes his new responsibilities and bigger digs.

Not that he has asked for it, but over the next few weeks, we’ll be offering Plescia some advice in various policy and political matters, starting today with Infrastructure Funding: Assembly Republicans demonstrated that, unified, they could stand in-between legislative Democrats and irresponsible borrowing. As "Big 5" talks continue on the issue of infrastructure investment (i.e…. a massive borrowing package), the ‘deal makers’ should still be:

Infrastructure means infrastructure. Not a "Christmas Tree" package where … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Advice to George Plescia, Part I – Congrats to Sheriff Carona

GEORGE PLESCIA BECOMES LEADER Yesterday, with little fanfare, Assembly George Plescia of San Diego County became the new Leader of Assembly Republicans. We’ll be focusing more on Plescia and the challenges ahead of him in the coming weeks. But we want to give FR friend Plescia a hearty congratulations as he assumes his new responsibilities and bigger digs.

Not that he has asked for it, but over the next few weeks, we’ll be offering Plescia some advice in various policy and political matters, starting today with Infrastructure Funding: Assembly Republicans demonstrated that, unified, they could stand in-between legislative Democrats and irresponsible borrowing. As "Big 5" talks continue on the issue of infrastructure investment (i.e…. a massive borrowing package), the ‘deal makers’ should still be:

Infrastructure means infrastructure. Not a "Christmas Tree" package where … Read More

OC Sheriff Wins GOP Backing

Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona won the endorsement of the Republican Central Committee tonight.

FR publisher and vote counting whip king Jon Fleischman ran a great drill and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher batting for Sheriff Mike Carona supported him with kind words and urged the committee to support the Sheriff.

It’s a well deserved endorsement for Mike Carona who has been a great friend to the OCGOP and tons of local GOP candidates.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rasmussen Survey shows Arnold UP

The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in California shows Schwarzenegger leading State Treasurer Phil Angelides (D) by double digits, 49% to 36%. The candidates had been neck-and-neck in their previous polls.

The Governor leads State Comptroller Steve Westly (D) 48% to 40%. Schwarzenegger and Westly were essentially even in their previous surveys.

You can see the survey here.Read More

Mike Spence

No social Promotion!: Even for Bilbray

There is no doubt the Busby will receive a score in the "F: range from the National Taxpayers Union. Brian Bilbray was in the "D" range. If you are picking your school academic decathlon team maybe the "D’ student may be better than the one the flunks. But if you have a chance to take an A or even a B+ student or someone with that potential, why wouldn’t you?

Some in the Washington establishment probably wouldn’t because it means dumping a friend or a BYOC. Maybe they know the "D" student better than the high achiever. Maybe he gives everyone candy.

Who cares? This is about winning. Bilbray is a pro- big government Republican that has cast bad votes on taxes, guns , life etc…

The excuse is he had to vote that way to keep his old seat. While pointing out that didn’t seem to work out well, we know from this spin that Bilbray will sacrifice principle to stay in power.

We have enough of those types in our party already. We also have enough "D" students that have betrayed their mandate.

Time for a challenge to set things right. Lets get better players on our team.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor to meet with Anti-Tax Leaders

Today at 3:00 p.m., Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be convening a meeting of many of the leaders in California’s ongoing battle against higher taxes. The Governor, along with senior staff members Mike Genest, the State Director of Finance, as well as Deputy Chiefs of Staff Richard Costigan and Dan Dunmoyer will meet with Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assocation, Larry McCarthy, President of the California Taxpayers Association, Lew Uhler, founder and President of the National Tax Limitation Committee, Kris Hunt, Executive Director of the Contra Costa County Taxpayers Association, and others.

My understanding is that the agenda for this meeting is very straightforward – a discussion about how to hold the line in California against tax increases.

Of course, the biggest opportunity for Democrats to try to jam the Governor a legislative Republicans with tax and spending increases will be the upcoming budget negotiations. It is certainly our hope that the May… Read More