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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Winner of the CD 50 FR Contest

OK, so who won already?… Anticipating a rather slow Easter Sunday on the FR blog, some of you may be reading this Monday. Either way, I don’t want to keep folks on pins and needles any longer about the winner of the first ever FlashReport "Pick ’em and Win" CD 50 election contest.

You may recall, part one was to select the top four CD 50 Republicans in their order of finish. They were, of course, Bilbray, Roach, Kaloogian and Morrow, like it or not. Four folks nailed the order:

John Dadian, Steve Friar, Mike Johnson and Marc Schaefer. Good going, gentleman.

Tie Break One…pick the percentage for the leading Republican. Yeah, there are like 500 ballots to count, but we’re pretty safe in saying Bilbray’s total is not gonna change more than a fraction. Yet, that makes things a bit problematic if it does change, as you can see by the picks of our remaining top three contestants, against Bilbray’s percentage:

BilbrayRead More

Mike Spence

Old Dennis Zine had a Farm. EIEIO

Republican Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine is cop. He is now a LAPD reserve officer. In South Central there is a co-op farm the resident grow food on. Now the land owner wants his land and there is much controversy. Mayor Sam’s Sister City Blog has a story where Zine went to check out the farm at night in an unmarked police car. Was a gun drawn? Nevertheless people are ticked. Check it out here.He should have stopped at Krispy Kreme instead.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Better late than never? Not in an election…

As all FR readers know, the race between Tom Harman and Diane Harkey in the 35th State Senate District Special Election came down to a difference of less than 300 votes. As a matter of fact, this margin for Harman matters a lot as Harkey prepares for a recount.

As a Harkey supporter myself, my eyes rolled to the top of my head when I got my mail today. Amidst some bills, a timeshare offer, and some coupons was a mailer from The Alliance for Orange County Taxpayers labasting Tom Harman, specifically telling the real story behind some ‘tall tales’ in Harman’s previous mail.

Well, to the extent that it enlightens some voters about Harman, great. That said, mail received four days after the election does no good whatsoever.

I would blame the folks at the "OC Taxpayers’ but my first inclination is to blame our government-run postal system.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Reform Presses Forward in San Diego

This blog has reported several times on the ongoing struggle for control of the City of San Diego between reformers and laborites. Momentum has clearly been on the side of reform over the last year. Victories for the reform movement include (1) the resignation of Mayor Dick Murphy and the election of reform Mayor Jerry Sanders, which gave reformers the powers of the new ‘strong mayor’ form of government; (2) the election of reformer Kevin Faulconer (disclosure, client) in the liberal leaning 2nd Council District which gave reformers at least 4 solid votes of 8 on the council, with a couple swings and a couple laborites; (3) and the recent vote by the council – under heavy pressure by reform leaders that included businessman Steve Francis and the Performance Institute’s Carl DeMaio – to place two reform measures (outsourcing and pension reform) on the November ballot.

A couple days ago, as reported by the San Diego Union Tribune, 2nd District City Councilman Kevin Faulconer’s opponent in the June primary, former Democrat Party Chairman Kevin Kaeder, formally dropped out of the race, citing health reasons. Since the 2nd is a rather… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tax Freedom Day, Bilbray v Roach, “Amnesty”, Bush Visit.

TAX FREEDOM DAY Did you pay your taxes by today? If not, you may be looking at stiff penalties. But Americans are already penalized by a tax burdon that is way too large. The size and scope of government at every level is too high. This year, Tax Freedom Day is April 26, 2006 — so you actually have another week and half before we reach this symbolic point of the year. What is the symbolism of this day? The Tax Foundation computes all of the money that you pay in taxes (income tax, sales tax, etc.) and they figure out what percentage of your annual income it takes to pay your burdon. The dates moves around as you can see by the graph. That said, our Republican President and Republicans in the United States Senate and House of Representatives can ask themselves today, and on April 26th why, with GOP ‘control’ of the federal government, Tax Freedom day isn’t sometime in late February or early… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tax Freedom Day, Bilbray v Roach, “Amnesty”, Bush Visit.

TAX FREEDOM DAY Did you pay your taxes by today? If not, you may be looking at stiff penalties. But Americans are already penalized by a tax burdon that is way too large. The size and scope of government at every level is too high. This year, Tax Freedom Day is April 26, 2006 — so you actually have another week and half before we reach this symbolic point of the year. What is the symbolism of this day? The Tax Foundation computes all of the money that you pay in taxes (income tax, sales tax, etc.) and they figure out what percentage of your annual income it takes to pay your burdon. The dates moves around as you can see by the graph. That said, our Republican President and Republicans in the United States Senate and House of Representatives can ask themselves today, and on April 26th why, with GOP ‘control’ of the federal government, Tax Freedom day isn’t sometime in late February or early… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Off the top of my head…

Some random thoughts to start off the weekend:

There was an article in Capitol Weekly this week in which Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante was whining about something the Governor did or didn’t do. I so don’t care about what he says that I didn’t even link to it. There is a Supervisor in San Bernardino County named Jim Harnsberger. He is always in trouble for the lamest things. He reminds me of the character Pig Pen in the Peanuts comic strips. I was genuinely surprised this week that Senator John Kerry, after making a campaign appearance for Francine Busby in San Diego, didn’t swing by the Stockton area and make an appearance for another big supporter of his, “Republican” Pete McCloskey who is challenging conservative Rep. Richard Pombo. Apparently, in California you can get the death penalty if you rape a girl, and then kill her.Read More

John Franklin-Hero of the Bilbray Campaign

One of the unsung heroes of the Bilbray campaign is campaign manager John Franklin. In his real life, John is a senior staff member of Congressman Issa’s Washington D.C. Team. He was loaned out to the Bilbray Campaign and it could not have been a better break for Bilbray. Franklin is a take charge type of guy and he took charge. Being the campaign manager is one of those jobs where you work 18 hours a day and multi task all day long. From my point of view he was a critical part of the razor thin victory Tuesday night. Along with political consultant extraordinaire Dave Gilliard and local PR Consultant Steve Danon, Franklin was the critical third component to a winning campaign. John Franklin is going to be one of the names that you will hear in the future when you see a triumphant campaign in action.… Read More