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Jon Fleischman

State Capitol Cafeteria Closes for Boycott

A Day Without Immigrants — A Month Without Customers by Jennifer Vitela [Vitela is the Capitol Director for Assemblywoman Audra Strickland] The Joint Rules Committee from the California State Assembly notified Capitol employees on Friday that due to Monday’s boycott, the cafes at the State Capitol would be either closed or serving a limited menu. The Rules committee suggested employees bring their own lunches to work to accomodate for the boycott. I think it is time for a boycott of our own. These boycotts have been advertised as a means for immigrants to prove their economic power. Instead of contributing to the very country that is providing all of us with the opportunity for a better life, boycott organizers are encouraging immigrants to try to stall our economy by skipping school, missing work, and not buying anything for a day. But, we do not need to be held hostage because this is America. In a country built on capitalism, we have options.… Read More

I held my own protest today

One a beautiful Sunday in Southwest Riverside County I held my own Mini- Middle Class American Dream Protest. I mowed my own lawn and washed my own car. In reality I enjoy doing both. It is good exercise and saves a few bucks. I don’t plan to be on strike tomorrow, May 1st ( the Celebration Day of the Workers Paradise ). I hope that all Flash BLOGERS report for duty and post something. It would be a great way of showing solidarity for those us in the BLOG world that still believe that the American Dream does happen for those that get an educationand work hard.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: CCR Convention – The Week That Was…

I am going to try and claim some of this day for myself, rather than penning a long Sunday column. I will take a moment to congratulate the California College Republicans for putting on a great convention here in Orange County, headlined by great speakers like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Elder, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and…me? Actually, those other folks all spoke to the whole group — but I did get invited to come and speak yesterday at a panel looking at the Main Stream Media, and this impact of blogging (wonder why they would ask me to talk about that?). Anyways, my favorite part of the panel was actually the end — when incoming CCR Chairman Mason Harrison came into the room and, using a bullhorn (for real), ordered all college republicans out to the street for an impromptu (well, given the pre-painted signs, almost improptu) rally in support of the Governor. Congrats on a great event!

THE WEEK THAT WAS… You can catch up on this week’s commentaries here.

Also, here are the special columns that… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Q&A With George Plescia… The SDUT, often known for doing these Sunday Insight section interviews with folks like presidential cabinet heads, national party leaders, governors and the like, focuses on the new Assembly Minority Leader. Good for the UT…and good for George!

Read the interview here.

Can I hope for a little more state legislative news coverage in the UT now,too?

The Juan Vargas-Insurance Co. Connection… Maybe the answer to my question above is reflected in another UT piece this morning, Lawmaker Vargas’ ties to insurers questioned. Adding to the UT’s recent string of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CCR Convention – The Week That Was…

I am going to try and claim some of this day for myself, rather than penning a long Sunday column. I will take a moment to congratulate the California College Republicans for putting on a great convention here in Orange County, headlined by great speakers like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Elder, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and…me? Actually, those other folks all spoke to the whole group — but I did get invited to come and speak yesterday at a panel looking at the Main Stream Media, and this impact of blogging (wonder why they would ask me to talk about that?). Anyways, my favorite part of the panel was actually the end — when incoming CCR Chairman Mason Harrison came into the room and, using a bullhorn (for real), ordered all college republicans out to the street for an impromptu (well, given the pre-painted signs, almost improptu) rally in support of the Governor. Congrats on a great event!

THE WEEK THAT WAS… You can catch up on this week’s commentaries here.

Also, here are the special columns that… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Whatever Happened to Bill Jones??

One of the finest men I have ever met in politics is Bill Jones, former Secretary of State and Assembly Minority Leader in the early 1990’s. Aside from being part of one of more prominent westside farming families in the Central San Joaquin Valley for decades, Bill served and was easily the best Secretary of State in the history of California, and left a legacy in the legislature including the 3 Strikes law, among other accomplishments.

On his way out of active politics in 2004 he ran for Senate against Barbara Boxer, a half hearted effort doomed from the start. But he went out a true gentlemen, and his family, including wife Maureen and daughters Andrea and Wendy were simply one of the model political families anyone can remember anywhere. An incredible group. Always friendly, and always the same.

Bill’s current business pursuit is Pacific Ethanol, a relatively new company looking to put ethanol on the map, finally, as an alternative to oil and gasoline. His timing has been spectacular here. As chairman and founder of the company, he has led the effort plan/construct five ethanol producing… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Them Dems: Observations from the GOP’s Patrick Dorinson

A few observations concerning the Democratic State Party Convention — sent into the FlashReport by State GOP Communications Director Patrick Dorinson:

The good thing about the California Democratic Party Convention year after year is that if you miss one it doesn’t really matter. They keep bringing up the same, failed, tired old ideas that they have been preaching for the last 30 years.

A few observations:

Steve Westly’s ads tout him as a “different kind of Governor”, but when you listen to him he sounds like any other Democrat running for office. Lots of old repackaged ideas but no way to pay for it. He may try to fool California voters that he is different with his ads, but at heart he is a just another liberal Democrat. Just listen to his own words from his speech to the convention:

"Like all of you, I’ve been a Democratic activist most of my life. In fact, I got my start when you elected me party treasurer in this very building 25 years ago. And I’ve been working with you ever since to strengthen this party. It’s good to be home."

Here’s another passage I particularly liked:

"I’m proud… Read More

Mike Spence

Court Ruling helps Rosemead recall… Maybe?

Today’s FlashReport has a story from the Los Angeles Times about the rescinding the mutli-language rule for recall petitions. Two of the three remaining pro Wal-Mart councilmembers have been under seige by union forces. They successfully sued to stop the recall election by using a ninth circuit ruling on the topic of recall petitions. Roles are reversed here with liberals wanting to excludemulti-language petitions and the Republican Jay Imperial arguing the other side. Politics is all local.See article here.

You can see background on the Rosemead recall and the original decision by clicking here and using the links there.… Read More