LittleBluePill.Com–The Dem’s Answer to Flashreport.org
How funny that the Dems were contemplating calling their version of the “Flashreport” “The Little Blue Pill.” I’m not a huge Matrix fan (I’m a chick—I like romantic comedies), but my husband is, so I know that the blue pill is the pill that lets you live in a dream world and ignore reality. How fitting—that’s why Democrats believe that higher taxes are good for the economy; that handing out condoms to kids helps reduce teenage pregnancies; that the CTA really cares about education and not just about higher pay and more benefits for their members; that you can support the troops but not the troops’ mission….the list goes on.
But if Maviglio, Salazar and Kinney don’t like “The Little Blue Pill” name, here are a few other suggestions for them: LittlePurplePill.com (since everything the Democrats do give the rest of us heartburn). Or Fleshreport.org (in honor of Bill Clinton).… Read More