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Jon Fleischman

Whoops – Catch up time – Tax Freedom Day, Eric Roach in DC


I have to run to an event for work this morning, but please enjoy yesterday’s commentary…today! Obviously if you read the FR blog yesterday, you know that the trip with Eric Roach to DC was successful, but you all missed out on an important mid-trip update, which is important because my entry belows makes the clear case why Democrats DON’T want Eric Roach to run – which is GOP turnout. Brian Bilbray is ill-equiped, as a GOP nominee, to inspire conservatives to the polls… Anyways, check it all out below, and if you missed out on yesterday’s featured piece on Tax Freedom Day by Doug Wilson, you can toggle to yesterday’s FR in the upper-right hand corner of the main page…

YESTERDAY’S COMMENTARY POSTED TODAY… TAX FREEDOM DAY Today, April 26, 2006, is Tax Freedom Day. What does that mean? It means that the average … Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Orange County Update

I’m waaay overdue for some posting here on FR.

Now that the 35th SD special election is over, focus is drifting back to the pocketful of contested elections on the June ballot.

The 67th AD primary is most directly impact by Assemblyman Tom Harman’s victory over Diane Harkey. Now he’s the presumed incumbent Senator for the next eight years, instead of a termed-out lame duck. As such, he’s in a much stronger position to help his wife Dianne succeed him in the Assembly.

Thus far, Mrs. Harman’s campaign has been overshadowed by the slugfest going on between Cypress Councilman Mike McGill and OC Supervisor Jim Silva.

Until a few months ago, the expectation (which I shared) was that Jim Silva would roll into this seat. Neither Harman nor McGill were considered serious candidates. In the last few monhts, however, McGill has revamped his campaign with $120,000 in his own funds and aggressive tactics from new campagin manager Joe Ghiardiello and Cal-YAFers. Their strategy is to positon McGill as… Read More

Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle Visits Riverside County

WenesdayAnaheim Mayor Curt Pringle wheeled out to the Mission Inn in Riverside to be the featured speaker at the Riverside County Association of Republican Elected Officials lunch. Pringle is the former Republican Speaker of the State Assembly and is doing an outstanding job of bringing conservative principles to local government as Mayor of Anaheim. He shared with the audience of mostly local electeds how he created many “City Fee Free” (i.e. Building Permit Fees Etc) periods that stimulated growth in the City. Under his tenor Anaheim is becoming a total Wi-Fi City that is being entirely done in the private sector and will still produce revenue for the city. Lastly he gave a great explanation of why he continues to fight to have the 2002 World Champion Anaheim Angles remain simply the Anaheim Angles. As a life long Angles fan I support his efforts in keeping the name L.A. out of the Big A. As I looked around the room, there were more then a few local elected taking notes on what Mayor Pringle has done in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Team Roach: Back in CA

The Eric Roach mission to Washington, D.C, has officially ended with our arrival back to San Diego!

I’m sure I will write more observations on this trip in the coming days, but the overwhelming impact of the trip is easily summed up – lots of encouragement for Roach. It was clear that conservatives in D.C., who were totally underwhelmed by Brian Bilbray’s previous stint in Congress, and that everyone was very excited after getting to know Eric.

Clearly a lot of seeds were spread on this journey…with the potential to grow into a big tree – a really big, conservative one!

On a closing note – traveling with John Feliz, Stan Devereux, Sal Russo, Bill Hauf, Howard Kaloogian, Duane Admire and, of course, Eric Roach was a great experience. For those of you who know me, you know that I do not give my “seal of approval” easily – I’ve been around the block a lot. Roach is the real deal – an honorable, values-driven conservative who understands and is a part of a conservative movement. There are great things in store for Eric’s future…his near future!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pombo, the NRA, the RNC

Richard Pombo is a great Congressman. A principled conservative who has brought common sense to the Chairmanship of the House Resources Committee. It was great to be able to catch up with him. It’s one thing to write about these folks on this site — it’s another thing to get to talk to them! We had a chance to meet with Pombo – a great meeting. Steve Ding, his Chief-of-Staff is a close FR friend.

It was also nice to see another old friend today, Chuck Cunningham. Chuck is the political director at the National Rifle Association. A great guy and an FR subscriber. Chuck spent some time explaining how Bilbray earned his “F” ratins from the NRA because of his appearances with then-President Bill Clinton at pro-gun control events.

I did experience a bout of post-traumatic stress when we spent time at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Center, the headquarters building of the Republican National Committee. We went there since Eric Roach had a meeting scheduled with RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman.

I don’t know if I mentioned the wonderful weather here – balmy and nice. It’s been a great day!… Read More

Jon Fleischman


We’ve been having productive meetings with Eric Roach on The Hill. It really resonated with Congressman Buck McKeon when we talked about how a Roach candidacy that is driving UP Republican turnout for the election day can only HELP the party keep the 50th in GOP hands. The opportunity of a Roach candidacy is a conservative Congressman long-term for the 50th. The danger if Roach doesn’t run is a suppresed GOP turnout and a real danger of a Busby win in June.

After all, there was a lot of pressure on Tom McClintock to stand down his campaign for Governor in the special election. But in reality, it was likely the increased conservative turnout is what put the first question, the recall of Davis, over the top. Had McClintock not driven conservative turnout, we might still have Gray Davis in office.

For those tired of this string, cut me some slack. I’ve never “live-blogged a trip to DC and I’m having fun!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Funny Story

Eric Roach and I were walking by the Judiciary Committee meeting room in the Rayburn House Office Buidlng, and noticed a lot of people going in. Eric asked the young lady at the door what was going on…and she told us a, “hearing on the National Security Agency syping on Americans.”

Eric and I walked up the hallway, looked at each other, and speaking about the young lady, we simultaneously said, “Democrat.”… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Do U Hve An STD?

San Francisco is such a cutting-edge city. Not cutting-edge when it comes to reducing crime or successfully dealing with homelessness, but cutting edge when it comes to “cool” ideas like a free wireless network and, now, text messaging teens on their cell phones about safe sex.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the city is spending $2,500 a month to run the program which is targeted at youth ages 12-24. Kids can text message the city’s public health department and get a quick response about how to have safer sex or deal with the ramifications of unsafe sex. City officials are concerned about the rising rates of sexually-contracted diseases. For example, last year there was a 100 percent increase in gonorrhea in African American youth.

At the same time, a… Read More