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Jon Fleischman

State Legislature: CLOSED FOR BOYCOTT

I just got a call from State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, just as I was preparing to post a photo and release on the press event held jointly by Senate and Assembly Republicans outside of the very closed State Senate chamber doors. The chambers were closed as Democrats cancelled, on a party-line vote, the session today to support the "Boycott of America" taking place nationally today.

Ackerman (pictured behind the podium, with Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia to the left) had this to say to me, "The Republican caucuses supports legal immigration. We do not support illegal immigration. We shouldn’t be condoning their activitists by not encouraging people to go to work and to school."

Here is a release sent along by FR friend Morgan Crinklaw at the Assembly GOP Caucus:


Barry Jantz

Mounjoy Invites Undocumented Retired Legislators to be Scabs

Appropo for today, May Day. No one ever said Dennis Mountjoy isn’t colorful. As noted on FR last Friday, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore wrote about Dennis’ comments the other day in Human Events Online, but now they are being being picked up in various other blogoplaces. This from Calicapia:

Dennis Mountjoy. Love him, or loath him, you have to admit he’s always entertaining. At the end of Thursday’s Assembly Session, following the announcement of the Democrat plan to shut down the legislature on Monday so the majority party could go participate in the anti-rule-of-law demonstrations, Mountjoy announced that he’d located a number of former members of the legislature who were willing to come in that day. Further, he remarked that they’d work for half the price of the elected members. One small issue, he said, they haven’t been documented by theRead More

Pretty Hate Machine

My dad’s father came from Poland (that explains it Joe), and his mother came directly from North Uist, Scotland. His father died from pneumonia when my dad was 3, he was a janitor in a Ford plant in Michigan. My point? I buy into the whole notion that millions of people came here to better themselves economically. I understand the struggle and sacrifice, but I did not live it first hand. That’s where, in the eyes of manyif not all illegal immigrant supporters, people like me become evil. They believe we’re haters because we want a process honored and respected.

As you know, I leave high brow arguments for smarter people and I’ll stick to understanding emotions. That’s why I found the following video so utterly frustrating. I’m white and I’m a citizen, yet I’m a hater because of my belief in legal immigration. Take a look at the video …not from the Nine… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Tales of the Rail, Part II

Well, it appears that the best place in San Diego to get an unvarnished view of what people are thinking about illegal immigration is the public train. Welcome to “Tales of the Rail, Part II.”

This morning I was running late. The fare is $2.25 (probably a $40 subsidy from the local taxpayers) but while rushing I dropped my trusty quarter down some sort of grating in the concrete and thus was tempting fate by ‘short-faring’ 3 stops. On top of this, I was knowingly committing what must be the most cardinal sin of any train commuter – carrying an open coffee mug filled to the brim. (bloggers note: Since this is a conservative blog, many of you have probably only seen public transportation trains on T.V., or in the 1970’s classic gang thriller “The Warriors.” When the train starts, 75% of the time the first 40 feet of the trip is taken at bullet train speed, giving the passengers an unbalancing jerk, and giving any hot liquids a chance to return to the wild. Thankfully the train then returns to a placid 1mph crawl for the remainder of the trip).

Anyway, today’s car was not crowded. One person a bench. In the… Read More

Mike Spence

SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! And get your money back

I just got done getting gas, an oil change, breakfast, a car washand dry cleaning done. Why?I’m rewarding those hard working people who are not part of the Communistsupported boycott today. Best of all Los Angeles based Radio Hosts John and Ken of KFI 640 AM will have a drawing that reimburse some of those purchases if chosen. You can get all the details by clicking here.You can listen to the show here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hanretty, Alternative FlashReport

Today’s main page took a long time to put together today. So I won’t be penning a substantive commentary. But I would encourage readers to take the time to check out the columns that are featured on the main page today – there are quite a few. Especially the one penned by FR friend Karen Hanretty on the hypocrisy of Assembly Speaker Nunez! There is an interesting piece written by Bill Bradley on his New West Notes site talking about how three prominent Democratic operatives are working on putting up a left-wing ‘counter’ to the FlashReport. Anyways, have a great day, and please take the time to give me your feedback on the site – especially if there are issues you want covered, or particular folks you would like to see columns from, so I can ask them to contribute!

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Capitol Cafeteria Closes for Boycott

A Day Without Immigrants — A Month Without Customers by Jennifer Vitela [Vitela is the Capitol Director for Assemblywoman Audra Strickland] The Joint Rules Committee from the California State Assembly notified Capitol employees on Friday that due to Monday’s boycott, the cafes at the State Capitol would be either closed or serving a limited menu. The Rules committee suggested employees bring their own lunches to work to accomodate for the boycott. I think it is time for a boycott of our own. These boycotts have been advertised as a means for immigrants to prove their economic power. Instead of contributing to the very country that is providing all of us with the opportunity for a better life, boycott organizers are encouraging immigrants to try to stall our economy by skipping school, missing work, and not buying anything for a day. But, we do not need to be held hostage because this is America. In a country built on capitalism, we have options.… Read More

I held my own protest today

One a beautiful Sunday in Southwest Riverside County I held my own Mini- Middle Class American Dream Protest. I mowed my own lawn and washed my own car. In reality I enjoy doing both. It is good exercise and saves a few bucks. I don’t plan to be on strike tomorrow, May 1st ( the Celebration Day of the Workers Paradise ). I hope that all Flash BLOGERS report for duty and post something. It would be a great way of showing solidarity for those us in the BLOG world that still believe that the American Dream does happen for those that get an educationand work hard.… Read More