My Welcome to John Campbell
I want to add my welcome to Congressman John Campbell. I had the pleasure of working on his campaign for Congress. For obvious reasons I can only call him my second favorite member of Congress. I wanted to pass along just a few FlashReport BLOGER pointers
1) Flash is a real editor who pays close attention to everything posted on his BLOG.
2) If your FlashReport e-mail account is like mine, it will soon fill up with e-mails from people in Nigeria asking you to help them get money out of their country and people wanting to sell you body part enhancements of every kind.
3) This is a great political tool that Jon has created and it is an honor to be part of it, especially since the BLOG roster is filling up with VIPs like yourself.
4) You will soon get the pleasure, much to Jon’s chagrin, of serving with Brian Bilbray in Congress.… Read More