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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Stunning Development – Poochigian Gets The Fresno Bee

I know and like the editorial page editor of the Fresno Bee, Jim Boren. While not exactly conservative, he’s made some great changes to the page and the editorial policy has moved from way left to center left over the years. Still, I am always very surprised when any Republican gets any Bee endorsement for Statewide office.Not only was I knocked off of my chair thismorning,but thelanguage of the endorsement was so strong, and so definitive, and so critical of the Democrat opposition, that Poochigian actually received their endorsement for both the June and November elections.

The cynic in me says its a favorite son play. But I know better. Chuck really is the overwhelmingly superior candidate. Andthe strength of the endorsement willget voters and other editorial boards thinking twice about dismissing our Republican nominee. Today is a good day.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Take A Democrat To Work Day

Howdy there FR gang, this is my first post in Bloggerdom so go easy please. I’ve greatly enjoyed viewing this siteand really appreciate Jon inviting me to be your Nor Cal ‘correspondent’, it’s a great site to participate in.So let’s have some fun.

Last Thursday on the Assembly floor was "take your child to work day". At the end of session we were informed that Monday would be a "Check-In"only day, instead of a regular session where we could process the 40 or so bills that are on the file at that point. We were aware that the so called Great American Boycott was coming up Monday, [personally I don’t see anything Great or American about it but hey….]and we were not ‘informed’why there would be no session. The fearless Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy (pictured) stood up and cut to the chase on the issue, [those exploits you can find on the FR in previous posts] and… Read More

Mike Spence

Lawsuit Targets LAPD’s Special Order 40

Nothing captures the ire of citizens that are against illegal immigration more than LAPD’s Special Order 40. Police officers inLA are prohibited by this order from questioning anyone about immigration status. Thanks Chief Gates! Conservative gadfly group Judicial Watch has filed a suit to overturn this order. See article here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Welcome our new contributor, Doug LaMalfa!

This week, I am pleased that we will be welcoming two great to correspondents to our acclaimed FlashReport Weblog on California politics. As you know, the blog is where over fifteen different contributors each from different parts of the state (or with different ‘beats’ such as "State Capitol" or "Political Law") all post their thoughts, observations and analysis of current political events in California. Today we welcome to the blog longtime FR friend Doug LaMalfa. Doug will be our new northern California correspondent, which really means Sacramento to the Oregon border. He actually asks that we call him the ‘North California’ correspondent, probably because it sounds like its own separate state! Doug is a fine conservative who is a rice-farmer from Butte County. He and his wife, Jill, are the proud parents of four kids. Doug will be bringing us some great news and insights… Read More

The Coach and me

Who would have thought my trip to speak to the La Habra Republican Women Federated would give me the chance to meet the legendary UNLV Basketball Coach Jerry Tarkanian?

Last week I had the chance to speak as a surrogate for my friend Sheriff Mike Carona. The Sheriff was at another GOP Women’s meeting and I was happy to fill-in.

This time of year Republican clubs like Women’s Federated and California Republican Assembly as well as Central Committee meetings always have a host of candidates for various offices.

On Thursday of last week the La Habra crowd included Mike Lebeau a candidate for OC Assessor, Chriss Street, the leading candidate for OC Treasurer-Tax Collector and some other surrogate speakers for their respective 3rd tier candidates for Sheriff.

I sat at a table up front next to Yorba Linda Mayor Mike Duvall (its not secret I think he’s a good guy and I hope he makes it to Sacramento).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Welcome our new contributor, Doug LaMalfa!

This week, I am pleased that we will be welcoming two great to correspondents to our acclaimed FlashReport Weblog on California politics. As you know, the blog is where over fifteen different contributors each from different parts of the state (or with different ‘beats’ such as "State Capitol" or "Political Law") all post their thoughts, observations and analysis of current political events in California. Today we welcome to the blog longtime FR friend Doug LaMalfa. Doug will be our new northern California correspondent, which really means Sacramento to the Oregon border. He actually asks that we call him the ‘North California’ correspondent, probably because it sounds like its own separate state! Doug is a fine conservative who is a rice-farmer from Butte County. He and his wife, Jill, are the proud parents of four kids. Doug will be bringing us some great news and insights… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hanretty: Juan Jose’s Big Fat Boycott — and other tales from a socialist activist

Another great submission to the FlashReport from our friend Karen Hanretty:

Monday’s “Great American Boycott” – or “Day without a Gringo,” as ’s President Vicente Fox was calling it – turned out to have little impact, despite hundreds of thousands of legal and illegal immigrants taking to the streets of major cities throughout the country and closing down certain industries like garment and produce.

Nor will the boycott/demonstrations have much political impact moving forward, and the reason is pretty simple. There is no political leadership and no consistent message.

Throughout the day on Monday I monitored and participated in print, radio and television coverage of the demonstrations. Not once did I see or hear from any major political leaders.Read More

Jennifer Nelson

LittleBluePill.Com–The Dem’s Answer to

How funny that the Dems were contemplating calling their version of the “Flashreport” “The Little Blue Pill. I’m not a huge Matrix fan (I’m a chick—I like romantic comedies), but my husband is, so I know that the blue pill is the pill that lets you live in a dream world and ignore reality. How fitting—that’s why Democrats believe that higher taxes are good for the economy; that handing out condoms to kids helps reduce teenage pregnancies; that the CTA really cares about education and not just about higher pay and more benefits for their members; that you can support the troops but not the troops’ mission….the list goes on.

But if Maviglio, Salazar and Kinney don’t like “The Little Blue Pill” name, here are a few other suggestions for them: (since everything the Democrats do give the rest of us heartburn). Or (in honor of Bill Clinton).Read More