Chicken Logic
It’s 3 days later after the bonds were approved for the November ballot and we still don’t know what the language is that will be in them. But I’m sure further ‘tweaking’ will make them just right, that all the dollars for levees will go to levees and transportation moneywill go for roads. The silver lining of the whole event in the early Friday hours was the element of Pay-As-You-Go that made it through, concerning levees. This will be controlled by the Governor through DWR and I’m confident that this 1/2 Billion dollar appropriation will go well under their oversight, unlike the unknown that will occur when the flood bond dollars will have to be appropriated by this Legislature asprojects move along. I can only imagine the priorities besides actual levee work This Body will spend it on.
We all know there is a bunch of money, unexpected ‘new revenue’ under this current budget cycle,[due to things like holding the line on taxes and regulations, improved workers… Read More