Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on May 08, 2006 8 Comments
This morning I spoke with Eric Roach, the top-vote getting
conservative in last month’s special election in the 50th
Congressional District. So let me be the first to share some
unfortunate news (unless you are a big-spending Republican).
It is with great sadness that I share with you the news that
after much consideration, Eric Roach has decided not to actively
campaign for Congress in the regular GOP primary in the 50th
Congressional District. Eric would have been an outstanding
candidate who I personally think could have cleaned
liberal/moderate GOPer Brian Bilbray’s clock in that GOP only
primary and gone on to win election to the full two-year term in
November. (Bilbray was the top GOP vote-getting in the special
election to fulfill the rest of Duke Cunningham’s term, but his
margin of victory was so slight that it is a foregone conclusion
that he won with the votes of non-Republicans).
I believe that Eric Roach knew he could win that primary, which
is what makes it that much more frustrating and unfortunate that he
has decided not to run.
In addition to having a private conversation with Roach this
morning, I also spoke to Roach’s… Read More