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Jon Fleischman

No Commentary This Morning

Due to a morning meeting, and the massive amount of news stories I had to format on the main page, there is no commentary today! I’ll try to swing back and post something later, and if I do, I will link it to the weblog.

Have a great day!


PS: Spend time on the main page, as I have some commentary under the stories, and have highlighted a few at the top. Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss my column in today’s Capitol Weekly, would you?

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Late Night Media Prediction

I predict the media will get it all wrong tomorrow. SF Chron already got it wrong by highlighting that there’s no difference between Phil and Steve because they both support affordable housing, funding education and services for illegal immigrants.

There was no mention that they both support same-sex marriage (or Marriage Equality, as Steve calls it) and licenses for illegals. Those issues matter because that’s where they break with the voters. And those issues distinguish them from Arnold. Otherwise, all three candidates are alike.

Get out your magnifying glasses…you’ll need them to discern the differences between the Rep and Dem candidates in the General.

**UPDATE — (11:26 PM) Myers’ blog noted the two issues. Sign up for his blog alerts. He’s one of the best in the capital press corps .** **UPDATE — (5/11/06, 6:42 AM) Looks like all the major dailies EXCEPT THE SAC BEE included that the two candidates support same-sex marriage and drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. Dan Walters,Read More

What Dems Get In Exchange for Bond Deal

Here’s a column you may have missed. It’s by Timm Herdt, the columnist for the Ventura County Star. He has an interesting take on the Democrats’ motives for handing the Governor a bond victory. If he’s right (and he’s correct already on one item), it could be the Democrats who get the real victory.

If the governor gets all that out of this bond deal, what’s in it for Democrats?

Not to be a cynic, but someone has to ask that question.

The most intriguing comment last week came from Perata, who said this about Schwarzenegger’s role in the bond negotiations: "Weeks from now, you’ll find out he did things that now are not too obvious."

Such as?

Pay close attention Friday, when Schwarzenegger releases his revised budget proposal. State tax revenues are running more than $4 billion above projections, meaning the governor will have lots of money to hand out.

Watch how much goes toRead More

Branstine MIA at Republican Forum

Dear Mr. Branstine:

I was at the Murrieta Republican Women’s Federated 66th Assembly Candidates forum tonight; Where were you?

The other three Republican candidates for the 66thAssembly District, Nancy Knight, Steve Adams and Kevin Jeffries were there; Again where were you?

Did the fact that this was a Republican event scare you away given the revelations about your political past in the last few days?

I learned years ago that snubbing the RWF is amajor mistake when running for office as a Republican. I know you are much more used to attending SEIU Rally’s or Emily’s List fundraising parties,but in the Republican Party we tend to go to gatherings that have the word Republican in them.

Since you missed the action, let me tell you about it. One of the questions asked of the candidates was; Have you ever run in a Democratic Primary? All the candidates there answered no. Had you been there you would have beenthe lone yes in the room,maybe that is why you were absent.… Read More

Notes from the Dem Debate

(This is long, but if you’re interested in what i heard over the internet of the second half of the Democartic gubernatorial debate tonight, keep reading. Or skip the choppy dialogue and see impression at very beginning and end of posting. I truely made an effort not to change the words, intent or meaning of the candidates, but a lot got left out. Quite frankly, the two just kept repeating the same old lines.)

Here’s a mostly unedited transcript of the last half hour of the Angelides/Westly debate. I say mostly unedited because I’m going to clean up a few spelling errors and typos. Otherwise, it’s just raw typing. Not everything is verbatim, but I assure you nothing is out of context.

PA = Phil Angelides SW = Steve Westly AS = Arnold Schwarzenegger CM = Carla Marinucci (San Francisco Chronicle) JM = John Myers (KQED Public Radio) Maria Gomez is w/ Univision Q = Question A = Answer Moderator is Hank Plante

It’s 7:25 PM. I just logged on to the Angelides/Westly debate in San Francisco.

While the webcast is a little spotty, the audio is pretty constant.

First… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Postmus Deflects Legal ‘Drive-By Shooting’

San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Postmus scored a legal victory today in his campaign for County Assessor when Superior Court Judge Christopher J. Warner denied incumbent Assessor Don Williamson’s motion for a temporary restraining order against Postmus’ use of acampaign logo.

Williamson’s lawsuit alleged that Postmus’ logo (pictured right) implies that Postmus is the incumbent Assessor because it includes the name "Bill Postmus" and the words "County Assessor" below it in the logo graphic, without the words "Elect" or "For" included.

Ben Davidian, Postmus’ attorney and former Chairman of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, argued that the Postmus campaign logo was created in accordance with standard business practices and design techniques used for decades in American political campaigns, and thatWilliamson’s motion was tantamount to asking the Court to design Postmus’… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Help Wanted!

As you have seen over the past couple of weeks, we are very actively ‘enhancing and retooling’ the FlashReport Weblog Contributor Pool.

I am very excited that we have a great team of folks…

From the ‘north state’ (above Sacramento) we have Doug LaMalfa. From the Bay Area, Bill Whalen and Jennifer Nelson. From the Sacramento Area, Tom Ross and Joe Justin. From the Central Coast we have Amy Thoma (though she is on leave as the Assembly Republican Leader, for whom she works, grapples with whether to let Amy continue to write for us…). From the Central Valley we have they ‘shy guy’ Mike Der Manouel, Jr. From Los Angeles we’ve got our high-volume producer, Mike Spence. From San Bernardino County, the one and old Brad Mitzelfelt. From Riverside County, the Howard Kaloogian’s best friend Phil Paule. From Orange County the irrepressible duo of Adam Probolsky and … Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Get Over It

One of my favorite Eagles songs is on their Hell Freezes Over album, “Get Over It.” There are days when I just want to hook a loudspeaker to the roof of my car and ride through the streets of California blaring that song.

The song came to mind the other day when Diane Schachterle of the American Civil Rights Institute (Ward Connerly’s 501(c)3) sent me a notice about an event happening in San Francisco this afternoon. While I would have liked to attend, it would have to be with three kids in tow so I won’t, but frankly, I’m not sure I’d have the stomach for it anyway. See, the “Discrimination… Read More