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Edward Ring

The Unsustainability Lobby

“The creation of the mortgage bond market, a decade earlier, had extended Wall Street into a place it had never before been: the debts of ordinary Americans.” – Jared Vennett (played by Ryan Gosling), The Big Short (2015)

Along with anothersuperblyauthentic movie Margin Call(2011), The Big Shortprovides a vivid look into the rigged, Darwinian, ruthlessly exploitative circus popularly known as “Wall Street.” For decades, ever since the greatdepression, this industry slumbered along, sedatelyproviding financial services to Americans. As always, it alsowas a venue for legalized gambling, but the number of players were limited, the winnings were relatively meager, and the opportunities for corrupt manipulations had not yet been multiplied by new trading technologies. Back then, the seedier aspects of Wall Street were overshadowed by the many vitalservices the industry provided. All of that changed starting around 1980.

In 1985, the financial sector earned less than 16% of… Read More

Katy Grimes

Carl’s Jr. HQ Leaving California For Some Southern Hospitality

Carl’s Jr. World Headquarters is leaving the Golden State for the Volunteer State. But the move has nothing to do with volunteerism, and everything to do with hospitality.

CKE Restaurants, Inc., the parent company of Carl’s Jr. was founded in Anaheim 60 years ago. After several years of researching options, CKE Restaurants, Inc. is finally moving its California headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee, a state with no income tax, and a friendly business environment.

In March 2011, I met Andy Puzder, CEO ofCKE Restaurants, Inc., the parent company of Carl’s Jr., Green Burrito and Hardees… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

California Democrats Finally Want a Tax Cut

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I thought I would never see the day that Democrats elected to office in California suggest a tax cut of any kind. They seem to hold classes teaching elected officials about creating new rationale for any way they can transfer more funds from hardworking residents to the coffers of the government to pay for the inflated salaries and benefits of the unionized government workers. Finally, the day has come that something has caught their interest to cut taxes and we should all say Hallelujah.

Assemblywomen Cristina Garcia (D) has authored AB1561, a bill that would eliminate sales taxes on tampons and sanitary napkins. Sales tax in California is collected not only for the state, but for the counties and cities. This bill would not reimburse the cities and counties for the lost revenues from these sales even though a section of the state revenue code allows for that.

This has created quite an interesting discussion. Although the Republicans in the legislature are clear minorities, it would be hard to find a Republican who would vote against any tax decrease of any kind since it is such a unique situation. In fact, it may be the only time they have a chance to vote for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Brokered RNC Convention Isn’t Good News For Trump

If you are Donald J. Trump, you are not very excited aboutthe idea of a “brokered convention.” Aside from falling short of the delegates needed to win the Republicannomination for president outright, the way delegates are chosen, and the nomination process itself, are not ideal for someone running an outsider assault on the party.

A brokered convention is actually less far-fetched after the impressive surge lately by Senator Ted Cruzover the past week. So it is worth sharing some basicinsights on how such an event would be politically structured, so that you can make your own political calculations about what might happen at such an event – which would be an epic, political maelstrom.

On the first ballot at the convention, just over 85% of the 2,472 delegates will be bound to vote for the candidate to whom they are individually pledged. Some delegates are pledged for more than one ballot, but not most. Just under 15% of the delegates – 165 of the 168 RNC committee members – are “superdelegates.” Yes, we have them too – though far fewer than the Democrats. Around 7% of the RNC convention floor will be made up… Read More

Richard Rider

The Tea Party Movement — R.I.P.

The Tea Party movement was a remarkable happening. It was started in February 2009 with a rant by a Chicago bond trader. But what remains of this movement today largely backs the OPPOSITE of the reforms that drove the 2009 Tea Party phenomenon.

Today’s Tea Party (what’s left of it) has little interest in the Constitution, or the safeguards incorporated in this fine document. Today the Tea Party movement is deader than a door nail.

The idea of a new Tea Party was started by Congressman Ron Paul in the end 2007, during his remarkable, Quixotic run for President. It was less a movement than a vehicle for Dr. Paul’s campaign, with the expected limited government themes.

But as a MOVEMENT, it didn’t catch on until 2009. Here’s a pretty good Wikipedia summary of the Tea Party:


TheTea Party movementis an American political movement known for itsconservativepositions and its role in theRead More

Jon Coupal


Would you commit to buy a car, a house or even a jacket without knowing the price? Unless you are a member of the one percent, chances are, you want to know what it will cost you before you make a purchase.

But what about ballot measures that can cost every citizen hundreds or even thousands of dollars? At the state level, the Legislative Analyst’s Office has the responsibility to provide a “fiscal impact” analysis – that is, information to voters as to the costs to taxpayers of passing a proposition.

But this isn’t currently required at the local level. And those backing attractive sounding, but costly, measures like it that way. They prefer to keep the public in the dark. If a county measure promises to create new parks in every neighborhood, it may sound great, but taxpayers should know what it will cost them before they cast a vote.

To read the entire column click here More

Katy Grimes

CA Legislature: Tobacco is Bad, Getting Stoned Daily is Good

Cigarettes are now illegal in San Francisco for anyone under 21, and soon to be throughout California.

The Sanctuary City by the Bay has a long list of sanctioned banned items: trans fats, the circus,sugary sodas, the Happy Meal and free toy, plastic bags, plastic water bottles, goldfish, baby chickens and ducklings, chewing tobacco, hollow-point bullets, firearms in advertising, wood burning stoves, drones, the Segway, hoverboards, and they tried to ban circumcision.

The list of banned items was all done in the name of public health. But these same San Francisco Nanny-Supervisors support public urination, needle exchanges, public nudity, pot smoking, free condoms, abortion… Read More

Health Care Tax Punishes Middle Class Families

The State of California has had windfall revenues for the past three years. At the same time, the State has shortchanged the developmentally disadvantaged and under-funded Medi-Cal so much that most doctors and other health care professionals won’t accept it.

So what is the legislature doing with the billions of dollars of surpluses currently flowing into Sacramento?

They have given raises to public employees. They have also ignored advice from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst Office to eliminate thousands of public employees that are not needed, a move that would… Read More

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