What Happens When You Vote For a Tax Increase, Ask Senator Dick Dickerson
First Rule of Government – Government never has enough money,
There is always a good excuse for bigger government and higher taxes. If office holders think it is their job to “be responsible,” they will always be persuaded to raise taxes, because those who get and spend the money will show the officeholder why the taxes are necessary, or how the officeholder will benefit if they vote for the new taxes. What they won’t do is tell them what the voters will do when that officeholder seeks higher office. Most of the tax increase votes described below came when the state was facing dire financial circumstances, and the voters were still unforgiving. Think of how they will feel when there is no serious financial consequences for the state if the the tax increase is voted down.
Don’t get me wrong, those who are thinking of voting for the tax increase this year may not lose their primary (although that is not a guarantee), but they will most undoubtedly lose if they seek any other office. Ask Assemblyman Dick Dickerson, who, in 2001, voted for tax increase because he was sold that it would help his rural district. When he ran for State… Read More