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Jennifer Nelson

True Grit

While many of us wonder what happened to the GOP courage in the midst of the recent negotiations and votes on the bond bills (although Democrat Assemblymember Juan Arambula had the guts to stand up to his party and vote the way he thought his district wanted him to), I did witness a display of courage Friday night at Pacbell, I mean SBC, no it’s AT&T Park (I meant to post these sooner, but Mother’s Day festivities kept me from my computer). My husband—a Giants fan—hates to go with me to Dodger-Giant games because I wear all my Dodger paraphernalia and he’s sure that he’s going to get punched out. So I took my mom this weekend to celebrate our day and we were awed by this fellow Dodger fan who had the guts to wear an anti-Barry Bonds t-shirt in the midst of the upper-deck ticket holders (who seem drink a whole lot more than the folks sitting in the charter seats down below). Of course, Giants fans are waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Barry to hit his 714 home run to tie Babe Ruth’s… Read More

Duane Dichiara

*** Problems Plague San Diego Registrar of Voters***

My understanding is that only half of the Sample Ballots and NONE of the actual ballots have been mailed out from the San Diego County Registrar of Voters. DEVELOPING…… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Packard Campaign for 74th AD Implodes

Sunday, the Union-Tribune effectively ended the campaign of candidate Scott Packard in San Diego’s 74th Assembly District GOP Primary. Until fairly recently, Scott (son of former Congressman Ron Packard) was a Nevada contractor. Turns out Scott got his contractor’s license revoked in Nevada because he was found guilty serious ethical and financial violations. And he didn’t pay the fines, or a $100,000+ lawsuit judgment from one of his clients that successfully sued him. Then the Union Tribune pointed out that Scott now works for a local construction company (you guessed it) without a California contractor’s license. A representative of State of California was quoted as saying “it doesn’t sound good” that they will grant him a license after his antics in Nevada. Spiraling…

The majority of Scott’s endorsement’s are local city mayors (Carlsbad Mayor Lewis, Encinitas Mayor Guerin, Oceanside Mayor Wood, San Marcos Mayor Smith, and Vista Mayor Vance). This morning, there has been much speculation on whether or not they were made aware of Scott’s history before they endorsed, and when they will start jumping… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Imminent Dumbing

Last week, near the East steps at the Capitol, when my Calaveras Legislative Frog Jump contestant, Bury Bonds, lurched hard left from the starting pad I was hoping it would not be indicative of the rest of the week, [nor Bury’s leftward lurch further indicative of this Capitol in November] Bury finished mid pack, without any performance enhancements. Last year was about 3rd.Hmm.

Alas, my eminent domain reform bill, ACA 22 was up in Assembly Housing and Communal, er, Community Development and after impassioned testimony by witnesses having had property bulldozed already or threatened to do so, the committee voted party line with 2 Reps supporting limiting eminent domain to true public uses and 2 Dems opposing…plus 3 Dems abstaining. Maybe if the committee members were present during testimony, they would’ve been swayed a bit. Well, OK, they wouldn’t.

This whole reform has been ignored for most of a year by this legislative body. Senator McClintockintroduced twobills on the Senate side,… Read More

Mike Spence

Double the fun in Long Beach

Usuallycasting two ballotsin an election is against the law. Usually.

If you are a Permanant Absentee Voter in Long Beach you would have received two ballots. One for the primary and the other for the runnoff municipal electionto be held the same day. And if you get confused and return them in the wrong envelope your vote doesn’t count.

If you go to the polls, you will find two ballot boxes, two sign in tables, doulbe the poll workers and two different voting systems. (The county uses the ink spot method while the city uses a fill in the circle method.) See article here. Voting for high school student bodyofficers is less confusing. Government efficency at its’ best.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Hauf v. the Lobbyist – wealthy conservative businessman takes Brian Bilbray in the 50th

"Two Elections, One Conservative Choice." This is the big print on the first piece of political mail that will hit the mailboxes of Republican voters in the 50th Congressional District in the campaign of conservative businessman Bill Hauf, who will today announce his official ‘entry’ into the race for the regular June primary for this heavily GOP Congressional District occupied until late last year by former Congressman/now-convict Duke Cunningham. You can check out the mail piece by clicking the link to it at the bottom of this column. In April, a host of GOP candidates duked it out in the Special Election ‘primary’ and former Congressman now Federal lobbyist Brian Bilbray, with about 15% of the GOP vote in that dust-up, earned the honors to go up against Democrat Francine Busby in June. But this special election run-off is on the same ballot as the regular primary, where all of the GOP candidates who appeared on the special election ballot last month once-again appear. Bill Hauf, who had a poor showing in that April election (less than 2%) has decided to run in the regular primary. Hauf… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Protect Our Homes Coalition to turn in 1,000,000 signatures around CA today!

Today, the Protect Our Homes Coalition will announce that they are turning in over a million signatures in County Registrar offices all around the state, virtually assuring that this important measure to protect Californians from eminent domain abuse will appear on the November ballot.

Assemblywoman Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel – pictured to the right)) is serving as the Honorary Chairman of the Coalition, and she will be announcing the big news formally later today.

“The Protect Our Homes Initiative will restore the rights of homeowners and small businesses that were gutted by the Supreme Court’s outrageous decision in the Kelo case. This initiative will protect the average family from having their property taken by government only to be turned over to another private entity that is more influential,” said Walters.

“It is time to end the faction between local governments and special interests that sacrifice the property rights of the average citizen in order to line the coffers of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hauf v. the Lobbyist – wealthy conservative businessman takes Brian Bilbray in the 50th

"Two Elections, One Conservative Choice." This is the big print on the first piece of political mail that will hit the mailboxes of Republican voters in the 50th Congressional District in the campaign of conservative businessman Bill Hauf, who will today announce his official ‘entry’ into the race for the regular June primary for this heavily GOP Congressional District occupied until late last year by former Congressman/now-convict Duke Cunningham. You can check out the mail piece by clicking the link to it at the bottom of this column. In April, a host of GOP candidates duked it out in the Special Election ‘primary’ and former Congressman now Federal lobbyist Brian Bilbray, with about 15% of the GOP vote in that dust-up, earned the honors to go up against Democrat Francine Busby in June. But this special election run-off is on the same ballot as the regular primary, where all of the GOP candidates who appeared on the special election ballot last month once-again appear. Bill Hauf, who had a poor showing in that April election (less than 2%) has decided to run in the regular primary. Hauf… Read More