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Jennifer Nelson

Poor Kids Deserve Experienced Teachers Too

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m starting to hear more and more people—namely Democrats—complaining that the better schools in the better neighborhoods get the better, more senior teachers. Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente said it this morning in a debate he, Ron Dellums and Nancy Nadel had on the Ronn Owens show on KGO (all three are running for to replace Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown). It occurred to me that this issue might be the issue to cause a split between the Democrats in the legislature and the California Teachers Association.

There is always so much talk about “equalizing” school funding between schools, how about we “equalize” teacher experience between schools? The teachers’ union will have to stand up for the teachers with the most seniority (who you know don’t want to go teach in those yukky inner-city schools) and the Democrats will be torn between the CTA and the argument that students attending poor, inner-city schools are the ones who most need experienced teachers.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Latest in the 50th Congressional District Primary

As FR readers know, there is now a vibrant primary gearing up for who will represent the former seat of "Duke" Cunningham in the next Congress. On June 6th, all voters will be asked to choose between Republican Brian Bilbray and Democrat Francine Busby in the run-off for the special election for the remaining months of Duke’s unexpired term. But GOPers only will also be able to choose their nominee to take on Francine Busby (again) this November with the announcement that conservative, wealthy businessman Bill Hauf will actively compete for the nomination.

The 50th Congressional District is home to a lot of conservative Republican voters. In the recent special election, roughly 70% of votes to GOP candidates went to conservative/reform minded candidates. Moderate former Congressman-turned-federal lobbyist Bilbray won the very crowded primary with about 15% of the total votes cast for Republicans. You can be sure that Bilbray beat out his nearest competitor, conservative businessman Eric Roach, because independent, Decline-to-State, and Democratic voters could ‘cross-over’ in the special and vote for Bilbray. It wouldn’t… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Latest in the 50th Congressional District Primary

As FR readers know, there is now a vibrant primary gearing up for who will represent the former seat of "Duke" Cunningham in the next Congress. On June 6th, all voters will be asked to choose between Republican Brian Bilbray and Democrat Francine Busby in the run-off for the special election for the remaining months of Duke’s unexpired term. But GOPers only will also be able to choose their nominee to take on Francine Busby (again) this November with the announcement that conservative, wealthy businessman Bill Hauf will actively compete for the nomination.

The 50th Congressional District is home to a lot of conservative Republican voters. In the recent special election, roughly 70% of votes to GOP candidates went to conservative/reform minded candidates. Moderate former Congressman-turned-federal lobbyist Bilbray won the very crowded primary with about 15% of the total votes cast for Republicans. You can be sure that Bilbray beat out his nearest competitor, conservative businessman Eric Roach, because independent, Decline-to-State, and Democratic voters could ‘cross-over’ in the special and vote for Bilbray. It wouldn’t… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Jill Buck: How to Restore Order on the Border

Jill Buck is the Republican candidate for the 18th Assembly district. She is unopposed in the primary and will face either Alameda Fire Chief Bill McCammon or Mary Hayashi in the general. She sent this statement on immigration out today in an "insiders only" e-mail (I know that she considers FR readers campaign insiders, plus she said it was okay to post this!). Here’s this ex-Navy officer’s take on border control: While I was in my twenties, I gave birth to three children. Each pregnancy was more difficult than the last, and the third trimester was always a tremendous physical challenge. What does that have to do with illegal immigration? Simply this…if women who are about to give birth can cross the border illegally in order to bring a U.S. citizen into the world, then an Al Qaeda operative can cross the border illegally in order to take a U.S. citizen out of the world.Read More


I started naming my posts song titles because I’m not a prolific writer, I’m not terribly smart, and music titles gave me lee way to think up crap to write….so when someone sent me the piece of trash that attacked Tom Berryhill, I thought of the New York Dolls (loved em) because of their song Trash (hated it).

You see, my friend Tom Berryhill nearly died due to heart disease. I wrote about it months ago detailing his long way to the top, hell I even cried writing it because of what Tom’s family went through waiting for the heart transplant.Tom and his familiy are heros in my book.

But now. Now his lame-ass opponent seems to think that the electorate will be moved by a piece of mail scaring them into thinking Tom’s heart is going to fail. It’s pure trash. Bill Conrad is clearly a desperate guy to sink to this level. Hey dude, unlike my crappy blogging, Ido know how to write an evisceratingmail piece, but to be sure Conrad ensured his own defeat with this… Read More

A “Comprehensive” 5-Step Program for Immigration Reform

** UPDATED ** With each new read of the President’s national address on immigration reform, I find a new nugget. So following are my delayed reactions to his speech….with updates (because some of the absurdity of the President’s speech is taking a while to register).

The President’s immigration proposal is like an abridged twelve-step program.

First, admit there’s a problem and that we’re powerless over illegal immigration.

“We must begin by recognizing the problems with our immigration systems. For decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders.”

Second, admit there’s a power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity.

“We are a nation of laws….” Indeed, America as a nation is greater than all the President’s advisors, pollsters and policy wonks. Thankfully.

Third, make an inventory of our wrongs.

“For many years, the government did not have enough space in our detention facilities to hold [illegals] while the legal process unfolded. So most were released back into our society andRead More

“Comprehensive” Immigration Reform Comes Up Short

If the 16 minute national address that President Bush gave tonight were a parody, he would’ve said something like this:

"Sneaking into America and breaking in the law is hard work."

But alas, it was not a parody it was an outline of the single biggest domestic policy agenda in the country. And I believe that the President fell short in his attempt to convince Republicans that he truly as a "comprehensive" proposal.

The President laid out five objectives for "comprehensive" immigration reform. (Fact: The word "comprehensive" was used four times in the speech.)

1. Secure the border

"The border should be open to trade and lawful immigration — and shut to illegal immigrants, as well as criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists."

– 6,000 new Border Patrol agents by 2008

– Construct high-tech fences in urban corridors, build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas.

– 6,000 National Guard members deployed along southern border.

– Ensure that every… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CD50: Hauf releases statement – not one for mincing words!

“I have decided to mount an aggressive campaign for the Republican nomination to save this seat for the Republican majority in Congress. I will campaign seven days a week between now and June 6th and spend whatever it takes to prevail in next month’s Republican primary,” Bill Hauf said.

“Brian Bilbray, my opponent in the June 6th primary, has achieved what no one thought possible. He has single-handedly taken a safe Republican congressional seat in North County and placed it in jeopardy and, according to one recent poll, he now trails Democrat Francine Busby by 5%,” Hauf added. “Brian Bilbray has come up from his lifelong home in South County with a liberal agenda that has… Read More