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Late Contribution and Independent Expenditure Reporting Period Is Upon Us

Starting on May 21 and running through June 5, state and local candidates and committees (including major donors) will have 24 hour reporting obligations for"late contributions" or "late independent expenditures" made and receivedduring thatperiod.

A “late contribution” is a contribution that “totals in the aggregate one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more that is made to or received by a candidate, a controlled committee, or a committee formed or existing primarily to support or oppose a candidate or measure” in the last 16 days before an election at which the candidate or measure is being voted upon. Only contributions made during the May 21 – June 5 period are aggregated to determine whether it is necessary to file a late contribution report. Late contributions must be reported onFPPC Form 497.

A “late independent expenditure” is an independent expenditure that “totals in the aggregate one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more that is made for or against any specific candidate or measure involved in an election” in the last 16 days before an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Another Gray Davis’ Alum Joins Governor’s Senior Team

You can’t make this stuff up.

Today I read about the appointment of another former top aide to Gray Davis being appointed to a top-level appointment by Governor Schwarzenegger… My thoughts…

In 2003, in a historic effort, an overwhelming number of Republicans joined forces with many Democrats and Decline to State voters, and helped support the recall of Gray Davis. The unprecedented recall of a sitting Governor was a repudiation of the man, his policies, and his personnel. It was a statement that we wanted a clean-break from anything ‘Gray Davis’! I was pleased to support Arnold Schwarzenegger, who won the special election vote with a mandate to take California in a new direction – with new ideas, new policies, and new people running state government.

That having been said, I am disturbed by the entry of a third high-profile former “insider” of Governor Davis into the heart my Republican Governor’s… Read More

Mike Spence

Dan Walker’s Last Ride

The Daily Breeze Has a profile on Dan Walker. Dan has been a fixture in South Bay politics since the mid 70’s. It includes two runs for State Assembly. He says win or lose in a tough race for re-election that this will be his last race. See the profile here.Read More

Congressman John Campbell

A Budget in Place

Budget for 2007:This week, the House passed the budget for fiscal year 2007.As a member of the Budget Committee this is an issue I have been working on for several months. By passing this budget, we have turned the corner in the effort to control spending, and put ourselves back on to the road to fiscal responsibility.It returns the government’s growth rate to a reasonable level: below the rate at which revenues are increasing and below the growth in population plus inflation. In the years following the recent tax cuts, we have seen a dramatic increase in government revenues as our economy has expanded.By ensuring we keep these policies in place while controlling spending simultaneously, we will be able to reduce the deficit over time.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: How will our GOP Chief Execs excite conservatives?

Are there really that few conservative voters in California? That’s what I feel like polls must be showing these days. If you look at the national political picture, President Bush and the Republican Congress are suffering hemorrhaging on their right flank due to frustrations on the inability of the federal government to grapple with the issue of illegal immigration, the desire for an exit-strategy for Iraq, and the out-of-control spending that is taking place under GOP reign. Conservatives have strong feelings on the issue of illegal immigration, and our preferred way of dealing with the many millions of undocumented people who have violated our nation’s laws by coming here are articulated well by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher here. You can understand more about the spending problem here. So I find myself frustrated on two levels. As I look back in Washington, D.C., I am… Read More

Jon Fleischman

How will our GOP Chief Execs excite conservatives?

Are there really that few conservative voters in California? That’s what I feel like polls must be showing these days. If you look at the national political picture, President Bush and the Republican Congress are suffering hemorrhaging on their right flank due to frustrations on the inability of the federal government to grapple with the issue of illegal immigration, the desire for an exit-strategy for Iraq, and the out-of-control spending that is taking place under GOP reign. Conservatives have strong feelings on the issue of illegal immigration, and our preferred way of dealing with the many millions of undocumented people who have violated our nation’s laws by coming here are articulated well by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher here. You can understand more about the spending problem here. So I find myself frustrated on two levels. As I look back in Washington, D.C., I am… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Pennsylvania RINO’s get asses handed to them

In one of the best political developments of the last 10 years, Republican fiscal "moderates" in Pennsylvania had their asses handed to them in the primary elections yesterday. You can read about it here, but the moral of the story is – conservatives will come out and defeat big spending Republicansin primaries. And as I have penned before, this is exactly what must happen to drive change in the GOP. With the immigration disaster looming, and federal spending at an all time high, conservatives sent moderates a big message last night – everyone needs to get their act together orits over. All you guys that voted for those big bonds ought to take notice too. As long as we keep spending literally all of the surplus and failing to deal with structural State deficits, you are all vulnerable too.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rohrabacher on Illegal Immigration

Let me give a hearty shout-out to the OC Blog for alerting me to this great column, penned by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, that appears on the Orange County GOP website. When I read it, I thought to myself, perhaps if this column were read here on the FlashReport by our readers, it would resonate with many, and make it clear to many others that Congressman Rohrabacher speaks for many, many of us who are outraged at the idea that millions of people who snuck/crept/smuggled/lied their way into America would be legitimized through amnesty*.

The Congressman’s article is entitled Turn Off the Faucet First, and begins like this:

If a bathtub is overflowing and water is spilling onto the floor, the first thing most rational people would do is turn off the faucet, remove the sink stopper and let the water drain. Then the clean up… Read More