Letter to Bush in Support of Mt. Soledad from Fallen Marine’s Parents
There is absolutely nothing I can add to this "MUST READ":
May 15, 2006
President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC 20500
Subject: Petition to Make Mt. Soledad a Federal Veteran’s Memorial
Dear Mr. President:
My wife and I would like to express our support for the effort initiated by Representative Duncan Hunter of California and the Mayor of San Diego to save the cross at Mt Soledad wherein theFederal Government would take the property by eminent domain as a veteran’s memorial.
Our son Captain Michael D. Martino, USMC, was killed in action in Iraq on November 2, 2005, when his Cobra Helicopter was shot down by a SA 16. This past week our son’s Camp Pendleton unit, which had just recently returned from Iraq, dedicated plaques at Mt. Soledad to honor him and his fellow pilot Major Gerry Bloomfield for their heroic service. There is no better place to honor our fallen heroes than under that… Read More