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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Save A Highway, Adopt A Beaver

A big thing happening up here in Butte County is the long delayed and much needed expansion of Hwy 149 [or to those from south of Visalia, THE 149] It is a two lane connecting road that runs east-west between the north-south highways 70 and 99. In 1979 or so, while I was attending Butte College nearby, 149 was greatly improved, safety and traffic flow-wise. It went from a narrow windy rolling road to one that is now wide, straight and flat. In just a few years it became very clear that with a growing population, 2 more lanes were needed. Just add ’em next to the existing ones, right?

Not so fast.

The ‘endangered’ meadowfoam plant was discovered in Butte, in the path of the needed roadway expansion. And the ‘stop or I’ll sue’ enviro crowd was determined that this wasn’t going to be a project done timely or fiscally reasonable. So afterit was studied,workshopped and hearing’d to death over 15 years, the couple of dozen government agencies that quake… Read More

Vicente Fox: Yesterday’s man of hope betrays a sense of despair

** Original Post 9:41 AM — With updates **

Vicente Fox had six years as President of Mexico to reform a broken system.

Overwhelmingly swept into office as the new hope of Mexico, ending 71 years of one-party rule, editorial pages like the Orange County Register delivered cautious optimism for a new day in Mexico.

"Based on his campaign statements, Mr. Fox seems to recognize the problem. And his market-oriented proposals offer more hope for addressing it than the same old approach taken by the same old antiquated government.

"It would be unwise to expect too much progress too soon, or to put too much stock in any particular politician. Individuals are bound to disappoint but there’s real reason for hope and celebration in Mexico. Which is more than we could say about most elections." (July 4, 2000)

Six years in politics can be a lifetime yet it passes like so many hours.

Six years after being elected, and a mere six months before his term in office comes to an end, the man who Mexico and the United States alike looked to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Fox’s visit – and Pierce’s Disease

President Vicente Fox is going to Sacramento where he will address the State Legislature, and he will dine with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Governor has a real opportunity here to make a point, privately and publicly, with President Fox that the United States, and California specifically resents the Mexican President’s steadfast opposition to our efforts to secure our borders. President Fox has called the proposed wall ‘shameful’ and has drawn analogies to a U.S./Mexico border wall to the Berlin wall – which makes no sense. But if you wanted to take his analogy and run with it, instead of Fox decrying a wall, why doesn’t he ask why so many of his citizens want to sneak into our country? Perhaps Fox and his fellow public policy leaders want to look into a mirror, they can ask themselves why they aren’t taking the actions to create a thriving economy in their own nation. That having been said, my personal opinion is that the Governor should just cancel his meeting… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fox’s visit – and Pierce’s Disease

President Vicente Fox is going to Sacramento where he will address the State Legislature, and he will dine with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Governor has a real opportunity here to make a point, privately and publicly, with President Fox that the United States, and California specifically resents the Mexican President’s steadfast opposition to our efforts to secure our borders. President Fox has called the proposed wall ‘shameful’ and has drawn analogies to a U.S./Mexico border wall to the Berlin wall – which makes no sense. But if you wanted to take his analogy and run with it, instead of Fox decrying a wall, why doesn’t he ask why so many of his citizens want to sneak into our country? Perhaps Fox and his fellow public policy leaders want to look into a mirror, they can ask themselves why they aren’t taking the actions to create a thriving economy in their own nation. That having been said, my personal opinion is that the Governor should just cancel his meeting… Read More

Mike Spence

Is Baca the next Nagin?

Could someone who released criminals early, had jail riots, gave badges to supporters, wants to raise taxesand is more concerned about the homeless than catching criminals be re-elected Sheriff? Of couse! After Mayor Nagins re-election in New orleans what isn’t possible. That is what is happening in Los Angeles County whith Lee Baca. The Daily Breeze has a great rundown of the issues here.You can see another post on Baca here.Read More

Congressman John Campbell

The Internet: The New Political Frontier

Recently I was asked by the Orange County Republican Party to submit a column for their revamped website.Of course I was happy to oblige, penning a piece entitled, "The Internet: The New Political Frontier." In it, I talk about the importance of the internet, and, of course, my involvement with the FlashReport. Below are the first two paragraphs of my column followed by a link so you can read it on the

If you had the opportunity to influence the opinions of millions of people, do you think would you use it? With the Internet you do. And this new way of communicating is reshaping the way politics and campaigns work. I am excited to see the Orange County Republican
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Jon Fleischman

This post was formerly called “Free Amy!”

Until just a few minutes ago, there was a lengthy post in this spot, entitled "Free Amy" that was themed around the idea that our (now former) Central Coast FR Correspondent, Amy Thoma, took a position with the Assembly Republican Caucus, and in that role, under the current leader, she was not being allowed to post.

It turns out that it is the official position of the Assembly Republican Caucus that none of their staff members may write for publications under their own names (whether that be the Wall Street Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle, or (alas!) The FlashReport.

I have preserved the original comment string from the "Free Amy" post — but encourage others as we move the dialogue away from poor Amy and her having to ‘retire’ as our Central Coast Correspondent, and maybe focus on the bigger question – which is whether or not it is a good idea or a bad idea for employees of the Assembly Republican Caucus to not have permission to get out there and pen some works under their own names?

My feeling on this (which are different than my good friend… Read More

Triple Trouble

Matt Rexroad just scored all three major newspaper endorsements. He has the Sacramento Bee, The Woodland whatever…and now theDavis Enterprise.

Davis Enterprise — Elect Matt Rexroad

Residents of the 3rd Supervisorial District in Yolo County – primarily residents of Woodland — will not find a better advocate for their interests than Matt Rexroad. The man that has served them well as mayor of Woodland is seeking their support as he campaigns for a seat on the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.

We urge Woodland voters to cast their vote for Rexroad on June 6 and give him an important leadership role on the county board.

Rexroad is honest, forthright, strong, articulate, and passionate about the city he loves. He was raised in Woodland and is raising his own young family there. He thinks Woodland lacks a strong voice in county affairs, and he wants to change that.

He’s politically savvy, drawing on his experience as a public relations professional… Read More