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Congressman John Campbell

The Internet: The New Political Frontier

Recently I was asked by the Orange County Republican Party to submit a column for their revamped website.Of course I was happy to oblige, penning a piece entitled, "The Internet: The New Political Frontier." In it, I talk about the importance of the internet, and, of course, my involvement with the FlashReport. Below are the first two paragraphs of my column followed by a link so you can read it on the

If you had the opportunity to influence the opinions of millions of people, do you think would you use it? With the Internet you do. And this new way of communicating is reshaping the way politics and campaigns work. I am excited to see the Orange County Republican
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Jon Fleischman

This post was formerly called “Free Amy!”

Until just a few minutes ago, there was a lengthy post in this spot, entitled "Free Amy" that was themed around the idea that our (now former) Central Coast FR Correspondent, Amy Thoma, took a position with the Assembly Republican Caucus, and in that role, under the current leader, she was not being allowed to post.

It turns out that it is the official position of the Assembly Republican Caucus that none of their staff members may write for publications under their own names (whether that be the Wall Street Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle, or (alas!) The FlashReport.

I have preserved the original comment string from the "Free Amy" post — but encourage others as we move the dialogue away from poor Amy and her having to ‘retire’ as our Central Coast Correspondent, and maybe focus on the bigger question – which is whether or not it is a good idea or a bad idea for employees of the Assembly Republican Caucus to not have permission to get out there and pen some works under their own names?

My feeling on this (which are different than my good friend… Read More

Triple Trouble

Matt Rexroad just scored all three major newspaper endorsements. He has the Sacramento Bee, The Woodland whatever…and now theDavis Enterprise.

Davis Enterprise — Elect Matt Rexroad

Residents of the 3rd Supervisorial District in Yolo County – primarily residents of Woodland — will not find a better advocate for their interests than Matt Rexroad. The man that has served them well as mayor of Woodland is seeking their support as he campaigns for a seat on the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.

We urge Woodland voters to cast their vote for Rexroad on June 6 and give him an important leadership role on the county board.

Rexroad is honest, forthright, strong, articulate, and passionate about the city he loves. He was raised in Woodland and is raising his own young family there. He thinks Woodland lacks a strong voice in county affairs, and he wants to change that.

He’s politically savvy, drawing on his experience as a public relations professional… Read More

Shoot, Drink and Puff

I am a Life Member of the NRA and enjoy shooting. Safety first! Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. If you disagree, you might not find the following amusing. For those of you who think we all ought to know how to handle and shoot a gun and defend ourselves, read on…

This weekend the Orange County Young Republicans held their annual ATF Day. Dubbed: Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms – not necessarily in that order.

OC Sheriff Mike Carona joined club President Jeff Corless (middle) as did Cheif of the OC Branch of the U. S. Attorney’s office Wayne Gross.

The event drew over 140 members and other people facinated with the idea of shooting then drinking and smoking a cigar. Though organized by the OC YRs other groups that participated included:

Atlas PAC Riverside County Young Republicans… Read More

Jon Fleischman

No commentary today.

Well, there waaaas one. But we took it down.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Free Amy!

Sometimes when we look for impediments to freedom and liberty, we need only look in the mirror.

That would certainly be the case-in-point with the situation concerning Amy Thoma, my Central Coast FlashReport correspondent. You may recall that Amy came onto the FlashReport scene in January of this year. A talented writer with a lot of opinions, Amy was at the time serving at Executive Director of the Monterey County Republican Party. Her posts varied from praise of the efforts of local GOP legislators, critical newsanaysis from a conservative slant, and of course taking on the environmental eco-whackos in her home county. Not only did Amy have the support of her employers at the Monterey GOP, several of them even penned notes to me praising her work, and thanking me for giving… Read More

Barry Jantz

Letter to Bush in Support of Mt. Soledad from Fallen Marine’s Parents

There is absolutely nothing I can add to this "MUST READ":

May 15, 2006

President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC 20500

Subject: Petition to Make Mt. Soledad a Federal Veteran’s Memorial

Dear Mr. President:

My wife and I would like to express our support for the effort initiated by Representative Duncan Hunter of California and the Mayor of San Diego to save the cross at Mt Soledad wherein theFederal Government would take the property by eminent domain as a veteran’s memorial.

Our son Captain Michael D. Martino, USMC, was killed in action in Iraq on November 2, 2005, when his Cobra Helicopter was shot down by a SA 16. This past week our son’s Camp Pendleton unit, which had just recently returned from Iraq, dedicated plaques at Mt. Soledad to honor him and his fellow pilot Major Gerry Bloomfield for their heroic service. There is no better place to honor our fallen heroes than under thatRead More

Barry Jantz

Letter to Bush in Support of Mt. Soledad from Fallen Marine’s Parents

There is absolutely nothing I can add to this "MUST READ":

May 15, 2006

President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC 20500

Subject: Petition to Make Mt. Soledad a Federal Veteran’s Memorial

Dear Mr. President:

My wife and I would like to express our support for the effort initiated by Representative Duncan Hunter of California and the Mayor of San Diego to save the cross at Mt Soledad wherein the Federal Government would take the property by eminent domain as a veteran’s memorial.

Our son Captain Michael D. Martino, USMC, was killed in action in Iraq on November 2, 2005, when his Cobra Helicopter was shot down by a SA 16. This past week our son’s Camp Pendleton unit, which had just recently returned from Iraq, dedicated plaques at Mt. Soledad to honor him and his fellow pilot Major Gerry Bloomfield for their heroic service. There is no better place to honor our fallen heroes thanRead More