Gov’s Radio Address: National Guard Deployment
Governor Schwarzenegger’s radio address this beautiful California Saturday morning is about his decision to deploy National Guard troops to the border.
I think the Governor has made a very wise decision in the way he is handling this situation, and in fact I am more comfortable with the Governor’s approach than with President Bush’s proposal.
Following is the text of the radio address. Or if you prefer, you can listen to the 3 minute, 14 second address here: http://speeches.gov.ca.gov/dir/2006/June/06-03_Radio_Border.mp3
Governor Schwarzenegger: Hi, this is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with another California Report. Two weeks ago, President Bush announced that he intended to deploy National Guard troops to our border with Mexico. But the plan, as it was outlined, presented numerous logistical problems. I shared my concerns with the administration and I also made it clear that I was ready to assist in that effort to secure our border because of the problem of increased drug… Read More