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Jon Fleischman

Mandating a Wage Hike: Bad Policy and Bad Politics for Arnold

The State Industrial Welfare Commission has the authority, apparently, to hike the state’s wage mandates on private employers, without any action of the State Legislature. That seems like a poor set-up. Mandates on employers like this should require a vote of the people’s representatives EVERY time. If jobs are going to be cut due to regulation on businesses, someone in elected office should be responsible, not some extremely obscure commission. Anyways, if you haven’t been following the debate over the minimum wage between the Governor and legislative Democrats, here is a short breakdown:

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage. The Republican Governor wants to raise the mandated wage. Republican legislators, overwhelmingly, do NOT want to increase the mandated wage. The Republican Governor wants a $1 an hour hike. The Democrats also want $1 (they would probably go for $10 if they could), but also want to create an ‘auto-pilot’ indexing to inflation of the mandated wage). The Governor had one of the few GOP supporters … Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Bilbray-Busby, the Candidate with Two Wives, and More…

A break from weekend political activities for a few bites from the week…

Survey USA Poll in 50th CD… Jim Sills noted it after Jon’s commentary yesterday…if you missed it, the survey was conducted 5/30-6/1 for local KGTV…448 likely voters…prior to the Busby "You don’t need no steenkin’ papers to vote" comment. The results show Bilbray up 47% to Busby’s 45%, with virtually zilch undecided. Sills astutely notes, however, that "the cross-tabs show Bilbray far ahead among voters over age 65, with Busby’s best segment being those under age 35. I think we all know the respective turnout history of those two age groups!" Survey USA’s own analysis, "Turnout Will Decide CA 50 Special Election," you can see here, along with the cross-tabs.

The North County Times… Read More

Mike Spence

More on Ledford’s Money in the 36th AD

Jim Ledford maybe hiding a dirity little secret. Yesterday, as part of my ongoing coverage of Jim Ledford’s battle against CRA endorsed Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, I included anarticle about his lack of disclosure of campaign contributions. See blog here.Today’s AV Press has another story detailing Ledfiord’s continued lapses in campaign filing. He is his own Treasurer. See article here.

Sometimes lack of disclosure is a mistake, but I don’t think so this time. Jim Ledford is hiding something he was hoping GOP Primary voters wouldn’t find out about. Turns out he received a late contribution of a couple thousand dollars from SEIU United Healthcare Workers West PAC. See details here. Of course this PAC has given to a whole list of Democratic candidates and liberal causes and yes Jim Ledford!

Does Ledford have other union money or liberal money he is… Read More

Gov’s Radio Address: National Guard Deployment

Governor Schwarzenegger’s radio address this beautiful California Saturday morning is about his decision to deploy National Guard troops to the border.

I think the Governor has made a very wise decision in the way he is handling this situation, and in fact I am more comfortable with the Governor’s approach than with President Bush’s proposal.

Following is the text of the radio address. Or if you prefer, you can listen to the 3 minute, 14 second address here:

Governor Schwarzenegger: Hi, this is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with another California Report. Two weeks ago, President Bush announced that he intended to deploy National Guard troops to our border with Mexico. But the plan, as it was outlined, presented numerous logistical problems. I shared my concerns with the administration and I also made it clear that I was ready to assist in that effort to secure our border because of the problem of increased drug… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: CD50: “You don’t need papers to vote.” – Francine Busby, last Thursday night.

Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate running in the 50th CD special election against moderate GOPer Brian Bilbray, was speaking at the Joclyn Senior Center. After she spoke, during "Q&A" she was asked by a man in the audience (in Spanish):

"I want to help, but I don’t have papers."

Busby responded: "Everybody can help, yeah, absolutely…you can all help. You don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help."

**There is MUCH, MUCH, more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

CD50: “You don’t need papers to vote.” – Francine Busby, last Thursday night.

Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate running in the 50th CD special election against moderate GOPer Brian Bilbray, was speaking at the Joclyn Senior Center. After she spoke, during "Q&A" she was asked by a man in the audience (in Spanish): "I want to help, but I don’t have papers." Busby responded: "Everybody can help, yeah, absolutely…you can all help. You don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help." Can you believe this?!? Well, don’t take my word for it… click hereRead More

Barry Jantz

Busby: “You don’t need papers to vote.”

In a CD50 race focused on illegal immigration, those could be Francine Busby’s dying words…or Brian Bilbray’s last nail for her coffin. Kinda like "We don’t need no steenkin badgches." I could come up with cliches all day on this one.

I know Jon will link to the SDUT story on the main page this morning, but it’s worth doing so here as well. Staff Writer Dani Dodge nails it withher lede, "If an election can turn on a sentence, this could be the one."

The taped Busby comments are floating around, but you can hear them right here on FR…just go to Jon’s daily commentary.… Read More

Mike Spence

The Main Event: Runner vs. Ledford

The 36th AD is very safe. The fued between the Runners and Jim Ledford has been around as long as I can remember. Ledford is a Liberal, the Runners aren’t. His challenge to Sharon in preparation of a 2008 bid has been nasty. See article here. Of course the big question is Who is donating to Ledford? He is the Treas. for the campaign and hasn’t filed. See article here.Read More