In addition to tomorrow’s election day occuring on 6-6-6, [yes the devil IS in the details] we can remember amongst the giant struggles for primaryvictory for statewide offices,senate seats and new assemblymembers in either party, that it is also the 62nd anniversary of the Allied invasion to re-takeEurope from Hitler. More people, materiel; and effort had never been, at one time, expendedto fight for liberty. It was said the British Isles may sink from all the fighting men and equipment poised near the White Cliffs. Andhere was the US leading the way to help others once again taste freedom. Leadership, by our country,under General Eisenhower, made this vast undertaking a huge success and turned the tide of the war and ofhistory..
As we go to the polls tomorrow to decide many issues, from local government to Governor to Prop 82’s ‘soaking the rich’ again with yet another proposal that will drive the job providers out of state, take a minute to think of who we’re electing and will they honor in their elected office the sacrifice made for liberty 62 years earlier that day.… Read More