Primary Election Analysis
Good morning FR readers! Wow, what a primary night. First and foremost, I want to extend a very big THANK YOU to FR’s frequent Guest Editor, Nick Romero, for getting up really early this morning to put together our comprehensive main page compendium of today’s political news stories! If you will recall, my ‘day job’ is working for Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona — a great conservative who was up for re-election yesterday. Well, we didn’t get the unofficial final results until after 3am, but my boss was re-elected to a new four year term over three opponents with 50.9% of the vote! Congratulations Sheriff Carona and to your entire campaign team! The immediate benefit to FR readers throughout the fall will be that I will be a bit less distracted since I won’t be worrying about a run-off for my boss, and will be able to put much more time into the website! Yeah! Anyways, I thought I would take a few minutes and make some general observations about election night:
The ulta-low turnout across-the-board created a very unique and unpredictable election night. Even with a turnout model … Read More