CA politicians have struck a deal to implement $15 minimum wage without a proposition
Hoh boy.
It appears that the California state legislature, the governor and the labor unions have “struck a deal” that will raise the state’s minimum wage to $15. No stinkin’ proposition will be required to enact this requirement into law, with a simple (Democrat) legislative majority easily attainable.
The minimum wage (now $10 an hour) will rise in stages, hitting the cherished $15 mark in 2022, and rising to match inflation after that. Very small businesses will have an extra year to comply. http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article68497532.html
Doubtless automation firms are wildly cheering this step towards the Workers’ Paradise so long sought by progressives. State economic development departments around the nation will also be “popping the bubbly,” delighted with California’s relentless efforts to drive businesses out of the state. This $15 minimum wage pretty much ensures we will expand and deepen our permanent underclass of unemployed in California — with heightened… Read More