Be careful what you ask for
Be careful what you ask for. In this case, an endorsement.
There’s buzz going around about whether or not Gov. Schwarzenegger will endorse Dick Mountjoy for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Dianne Feinstein. Why is it even a question, you ask? How could Arnold even consider not endorsing the entire ticket? If you’re genuinely asking yourself those questions, get over it.
No doubt Schwarzenegger feels a great deal of gratitude to Feinstein for helping him pass Props 57/58 in 2004. (Phil Angelides, as he was eviscerating his rival Steve Westly for endorsing Props 57/58 with Arnold, conveniently forgot that his campaign co-chair Feinstein appeared in campaign ads encouraging voters to pass 57/58.) Feinstein helped the governor realize a political victory in ’04. I’m not sure what Dick Mountjoy has ever done for the governor.
No matter how dirty and backstabbing politics can be, though, there is a certain code, I suppose.
“GOP consultant Wayne Johnson said a Feinstein endorsement ‘would be a mistake.’… Read More