Passing Thoughts While Packing
Here are some thoughts that came to mind as I packed this morning for my vacation:
If I were a poor or homeless person in San Francisco, perhaps now would be the time for me to be upset with the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. After all, the Board has helped to make The City a Mecca for those seeking to live on government assistance by their extraordinary efforts to redistribute wealth. Their latest? Now they have voted to set aside $2 million to fight the effects of the potential efforts to crack-down on the nation’s criminal alien problem. What kind of a welfare state do we live in when the homeless nationals of other countries soak up all of redistributed wealth? Last night at the OC GOP’s Annual Flag Day Dinner, commentator Dennis Prager pointed out that one of the problems that we have is that the left in America is unprepared to call the phenomenon of Islamo-fascism evil. Prager pointed … Read More