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Jon Fleischman


INSURANCE COMMISSIONER ’06 STEVE POIZNER – A STRONG OPPORTUNITY FOR THE GOP Last election day, John Kraft received 617,443 votes. Who is John Kraft? No this isn’t a takeoff from my favorite Ayn Rand novel. John Kraft was a Democratic candidate for State Insurance Commissioner. Kraft received nearly a third of the votes for this office as a virtually unknown candidate who, according to the Secretary of State’s webpage, didn’t even raise the funds required to file a campaign report — which is like $1,000. Well, the real story behind Kraft is not who is he — but rather, who he is… Read More

Mike Spence

Mountjoy and the Governor’s Endorsement

With speculation swirling around a possible Arnold endorsement of Democrat Dianne Feinstein, Retired State Senator has decided to let the Governor know he is willing and ready to "….fight the liberal policies of Dianne Feinstein, Phil Angelides and others of the far left. "

The Governor should be embracing every nominee of the party. After all aren’t a "Big Tent"?

Read the Mountjoy letter below.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Southwest, Part II

Last week, when flying from Sacramento to Orange County on a SWA flight, I reported on the ‘notables’ on the flight.

Today’s flight has a different group of interesting characters, though no less notable. Flying with my fiance, Maureen, and me are… State Senator Chuck Poochigian, Assemblyman Chuck Devore, Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher, State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim, former GOP Chairman Mike Schroeder, Republican Insurance Commissioner Nominee Steve Poizner, and from the Governor’s campaign team – Julie Soderlund and a discovery, that the son of my friend Rich Galen (, Robert, is working for the Governor’s campaign.

With all of these GOPers, I shouldn’t leave out our token Democrat “VIP” – Assemblyman Tom Umberg.

Somehow I don’t think Umberg is going where the rest of us are headed – the Orange County GOP’s big annual Flag Day dinner (with special guests Arnold Schwarzenegger and talk show host and columnist Dennis Prager, of whom I am a huge fan, and whom I am introducing).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Insurance Commissioner ’06 and Jon’s Vacation!

In what will be great news for liberals far and wide, I will be leaving on vacation to Great Britain tomorrow morning to return just in time to celebrate America’s birthday on July 4th! The good news is that during my absence, the FlashReport will continue to bring you all of the latest and greatest news on California politics. Nicholas Romero, whom you have seen as a guest editor for this site has been promoted and is now the Managing Editor of the FlashReport. Nick will be editing the main page of the site for the next few weeks, as well as joining the FlashReport Weblog with his own observations and analysis. Congratulations, Nick! I am also pleased to announce that many of our regular contributors from the Weblog have agreed to step up and make sure that this Daily Commentary page updated each and every day, starting with our Central Valley Correspondent, Mike Der Manouel, Jr., who will be posting on this page tomorrow. I’ll still be monitoring my emails (somewhat… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Insurance Commissioner ’06 and Jon’s Vacation!

In what will be great news for liberals far and wide, I will be leaving on vacation to Great Britain tomorrow morning to return just in time to celebrate America’s birthday on July 4th! The good news is that during my absence, the FlashReport will continue to bring you all of the latest and greatest news on California politics. Nicholas Romero, whom you have seen as a guest editor for this site has been promoted and is now the Managing Editor of the FlashReport. Nick will be editing the main page of the site for the next few weeks, as well as joining the FlashReport Weblog with his own observations and analysis. Congratulations, Nick! I am also pleased to announce that many of our regular contributors from the Weblog have agreed to step up and make sure that this Daily Commentary page updated each and every day, starting with our Central Valley Correspondent, Mike Der Manouel, Jr., who will be posting on this page tomorrow. I’ll still be monitoring my emails (somewhat… Read More

First post on FR a sad one

Before I get started on the FR Blog, I would like to thank Jon for continuing to show great respect for young people in politics. He doesn’t provide lip service like others. He creates opportunities for those of us just getting starting (relatively speaking) to get our feet wet. I was honored that he asked me, of all people, to join him compiling and editing the site. I am honored further to be in the company of some truly great political professionalsin the FR Blogpen.

Now on to this first post. It takes me back to earlier, sunnier days.

In my morning reading, I came across a sad story in the Orange County Register about a young boy who drowned yesterdayoff ofHuntington State Beach between towers 6 and 7. He and another boy were brought in from 150 to 200 yards off shore (1 and 1/2 to 2 football fields), a considerable distance in ocean terms (in a pool, that’s nothing), indicative of the conditions (South to Southwest swell, strong winds out of the West to Northwest). Two to four foot surf, as it was reported, is, again, nothing on a calm… Read More

Jon Fleischman

OC Lincoln Club hosts Lynn Swann

Last Thursday the Lincoln Club of Orange County hosted a fundraiser for Lynn Swann, the Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. The All-Pro wide receiver of the Pittsburgh Steelers, USC All-American and T.V. sports commentator was greeted by 175 Lincoln Club members and USC alumni invitees for a lunch in Newport Beach. The guest list included a number of USC‘s athletic hall of… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Another Enviro Attempt To Stop 241 Tollway Fails

I just saw this story on the Orange County Register website and wanted to share the good news:

STATE PANEL THWARTS ATTEMPTS TO BLOCK TOLL-ROAD EXTENSION Budget Conference Committee votes 6-0 to reject recommendation to create new laws to kill 241 plan.

The Orange County RegisterRead More