Jean Pasco leaving the LA Times for…a government position
(H/T to "Lurk" at the always informative OC Blog)
The Orange County Register’s Total Buzz blog broke this bit of news last evening. An exerpt:
"I just heard that [Orange County Clerk Recorder Tom] Daly has hired LA Times Political writer, Jean Pasco to come over to the office and help broaden the public’s access to the county’s vast archives.
"From the memo that’s floating around county hallways, it looks as if she starts July 3."
(left to right: Register columnist Gordon Dillow, InsideOC Host Rick Reiff, Jean Pasco, FR OC Correspondent Adam Probolsky)
"She’s covered Orange County politics – both for the Register and the Times – for decades and knows virtually every person in town. And through her tough style of… Read More