Posted by Karen Hanretty at 12:00 am on Jun 19, 2006 Comments Off on Arnold’s Time for Choosing
If you want to be in political vogue this year, here’s what you
need to know. The slogan “live within our means” is out,
pandering to Latino voters is in. That’s why you see Arnold
and the Democrats falling all over themselves to get close to the
new “It” voter for 2006.
Republicans, never having been the cool kids in the building (as
the capitol is known), are slow to play along and throw out last
year’s chinos for this year’s cargo pants. Republicans are
still stuck on fixing the structural deficit and passing a
responsible budget. Others have different
While Democrats voted to cut $148 million from the budget for
public safety, they were busy adding $300 million in new spending
on welfare for illegal immigrants.
Gone is money in the budget that takes a proactive approach to
surveillance and arrest of habitual sexual offenders.
Gone is money in the budget to provide guidance and mentorships
to nearly 210,000 juveniles arrested yearly.
Gone is money in the budget to expand the number of community
police officers.
Law enforcement groups say the average cost to hire a new police
officer is… Read More