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Recruit this.

If the work product of the legislature really irks me all the way down here in Orange County, I can only imagine how the Governor feels.

One piece of legislation that is 1) totally unnecessary and 2) bad for America, is AB1778 Lieber (D). The law would make it extremely difficult for military recruiters to identify interested high school graduating seniors.

The law gets way more specific than the heavy hand of government ought to. It creates a new box on the emergency contact card all parents fill out at the time they enroll their kids in a school. The new box could be checked by parents who do not want the information shared with the military.

Opponents of the legislation might argue that especially in this time of tumult–the War on Terror we should not limit recruiters in this way. That is a good point.

Republican Senator Abel Maldonado was the only GOPer to support the bill, he voted for it in the Senate Education Committee. His office says he supports all efforts to give parents more control over the affairs of their children and cites other legislation that he supports such laws that require parental notification. That is a not… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

House GOP sticking together on immigration debate

Since the House passed our version of the immigration reform bill in December, our position has been to pass a bill that focuses on border security first. Today, as part of our efforts to communicate this position and ensure we don’t end up with a bill like the Kennedy-McCain bill that passed the Senate, the Republican Conference unveiled five principles that reflect our position. Our goal is to send a bill to the president that reflects these principles:

•Republicans strongly support initiatives to secure our borders and provide additional resources to federal and state authorities to strengthen border patrol efforts. •Republicans strongly support strengthening enforcement and stiffening penalties for illegal immigrants who break our immigration laws. •Republicans support enforcing the law on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and holding them accountable.
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Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Budget Priorities: Pay Down the Debt, Hold the Line on New Spending, Reinstate Public Safety Funding

Word is that the $500 million for health care for illegal children that the Democrats added to the budget during conference committee has been dropped. Also, yesterday afternoon, Bill Bradley was reporting on his New West blog that the governor has dropped his plans to increase the Healthy Families programs by $23 million (some of this spending would have been used to provide care for illegal immigrant children).

Writers on this website, talk radio hosts and others in the grassroots rightly expressed outrage about the health care spending for illegal immigrants and effectively killed the proposals. Now it is time for the Democrats and the mainstream press to hear the same amount of outrage about the roughly $150 million the Democrats cut from public safety spending Schwarzenegger included in his May Budget Revision. Senator Chuck Poochgian has been especially vocal on this issue, but he needs support from folks inside and outside of the Capitol.

We are now one week past the… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Budget Priorities: Pay Down the Debt, Hold the Line on New Spending, Reinstate Public Safety Funding

Word is that the $500 million for health care for illegal children that the Democrats added to the budget during conference committee has been dropped. Also, yesterday afternoon, Bill Bradley was reporting on his New West blog that the governor has dropped his plans to increase the Healthy Families programs by $23 million (some of this spending would have been used to provide care for illegal immigrant children).

Writers on this website, talk radio hosts and others in the grassroots rightly expressed outrage about the health care spending for illegal immigrants and effectively killed the proposals. Now it is time for the Democrats and the mainstream press to hear the same amount of outrage about the roughly $150 million the Democrats cut from public safety spending Schwarzenegger included in his May Budget Revision. Senator Chuck Poochgian has been especially vocal on this issue, but he needs support from folks inside and outside of the Capitol.

We are now one week… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Holy Scary Thought Batman!

In case you haven’t had a chance to check out Senator Chuck Poochigian clever web ad, "Jerry Brown: Fictional Crime Fighter," do yourself a favor and click here. Unless you are a candidate that is swimming in money, it’s awfully early to start doing TV ads for the general election. But hats off to Poochigian and team for creating this web ad, which makes great points about Brown’s lousy law enforcement credentials and will drive traffic to the campaign web site.

(The only thing Jerry Brown’s got in common with the Caped Crusader is that people have raised the same questions about Brown’s relationship with is long-time aide, Jacques Barzaghi, as they have about Batman’s relationship with Robin.)Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Angelides Page

I saw on the OC Register’s Total Buzz political blog that Phil Angelides has a page.

Actually, it’s an unofficial page, according to the Angelides campaign — which is good thing considering who some of the 1,876 "friends" of the Angelides for Governor MySpace page are.

For example, there’s Nam, The Harlot, Devilishly Conceited, Lu Cifer — just for starters.

An interesting coalition you’re building there, Phil.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Invitation from a NASCAR dad

Here’s something a little different…as we countdown to the ‘next’ budget deadline.

Since I was a kid I’ve been a big fan of racing andsports cars and of driving them. Stock Car racing has been my favorite. The roots going back to these guys in the South ‘runnin shine’ has grown into the biggestone day event in sports wherever it’s held. Its fan base is huge across the country and the loyalty is fierce, just witness the #3 and #8 stickers amongthe many "W" stickersyou see on the backs of cars, pickups and trucks as you travel the highways. The loyalty to the sponsor products is very high as well. Coke drinkers don’t drinkPepsi, Pepsi drinkers don’t drinkCoke. Even men will buy Tide detergent fortheir home use if they like that driver they sponsor.

If you’re around the Capitol on Thursday, tomorrow, we have a NASCAR Festival lined up for the general public. This is to highlight stock car racing in California… Read More

Pimp My Bond

Each and every day, in each and every way, things just get worse and worse for Phil Angelides’ grand dream of becoming Grand Poobah of the Universe…er, uh, I mean Governor of California. (I’m getting ahead of myself.)

William Bradley writes in today’s New West Notes of “private polling indicating that the treasurer has not received a customary large bounce in support from his narrow June 6th Democratic primary triumph over state Controller Steve Westly.”

The Wall Street Journal’s Political Diary today compares Angelides to Rodney Dangerfield, citing three major snubs from prominent Democrats who won’t give Phil respect.

“First, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown dissed him by telling a columnist that his party’s nominee for governor "doesn’t look good on TV and doesn’t sound good on radio." Then Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez didn’t even bother to deny that he wants Arnold Schwarzenegger to win re-election this year so that he can run for Mayor of Los Angeles when the current occupant of that post, Democrat AntonioRead More