Another Brick in the Wall
Lately, all of the Congressional office in Washington have been inundated with bricks that have been mailed in from citizens concerned about border security. The bricks, which are accompanied by a letter calling for tougher border security, are meant to send a message to Congress that if we don’t build a fence the public is willing to do the job on their own. (The effort is being organized by www.send-a-brick.com) I couldn’t agree more that immigration reform must begin with tougher border security, and I voted for a border fence when we considered the immigration bill. However, my strong stance on this issue doesn’t change the fact that more bricks arrive every day. They have already filled up a whole cabinet in my office. So, we have a new and very serious issue to address. What am I supposed to do with all of these bricks? So far my office has received over 60, and we get more every day. Now, if every House member has received the same number would total over 26,000. … Read More