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Mike Spence

Today’s Commentary: Team Sports, Diversity and the Governor

Team Sports are very important in the USA. Today as you pass parks there are various sport teams playingin almost every one of them. In American high schools even sports that are individual are organized into teams. I know people can tell from my physique I was a four-year Varsity swimmer. As a younger kid, I spent three glorious years in my local little league. My nickname was "The Statue". Why? I didn’t swing my bat the entire first year. I do have a great story about my first hit if you ever want to hear it. I usually spent three innings in right field (of course right field) praying along with my coaches and other players and their parents that no one would pull the ball and hit to me. Get the picture. The only person that thought I was good was my Mom, who still doesn’t know any of the rules about baseball.Read More

Mike Spence

Team Sports, Diversity and the Governor

Team Sports are very important in the USA. Today as you pass parks there are various sport teams playingin almost every one of them. In American high schools even sports that are individual are organized into teams. I know people can tell from my physique I was a four-year Varsity swimmer. As a younger kid, I spent three glorious years in my local little league. My nickname was "The Statue". Why? I didn’t swing my bat the entire first year. I do have a great story about my first hit if you ever want to hear it. I usually spent three innings in right field (of course right field) praying along with my coaches and other players and their parents that no one would pull the ball and hit to me. Get the picture. The only person that thought I was good was my Mom, who still doesn’t know any of the rules about baseball.Read More

Today’s Commentary: Being tough on crime doesn’t win elections

The Governor may be doing the right thing (public policy-wise) by talking about and making moves to be ‘tough on crime’ but it won’t be the reason any measured group of voters choose him in November.

Let’s travel back in time to 1998 when crime was an issue. Attorney General Dan Lungren waged a miserable excuse for a campaign. But he did have the edge on being the ‘tough on crime’ candidate and the voters didn’t care.

Today crime is even less of an issue. For all the posturing and outrage over the whatever lawbreaking activity or crime against children or seniors or investors or whomever, its not an election issue. Think illegal immigration, traffic, education.

**There is more – click the link**

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Being tough on crime doesn’t win elections

The Governor may be doing the right thing (public policy-wise) by talking about and making moves to be ‘tough on crime’ but it won’t be the reason any measured group of voters choose him in November.

Let’s travel back in time to 1998 when crime was an issue. Attorney General Dan Lungren waged a miserable excuse for a campaign. But he did have the edge on being the ‘tough on crime’ candidate and the voters didn’t care.

Today crime is even less of an issue. For all the posturing and outrage over the whatever lawbreaking activity or crime against children or seniors or investors or whomever, its not an election issue. Think illegal immigration, traffic, education.

However, the governor’s rhetoric on crime is smart strategy–the strategy being: never let his opponent own ANY space in the public policy arena.

This Governor is uniquely suited for this strategy. Schwarzenegger has that special ability and charm that allows him to shuck one day to champion the cause of the environment and jive the next to lead the charge on protecting property… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Prop 90 = Property Rights

Secretary Of State Bruce McPherson released the official number designations for the November ballot propositions this afternoon.

The Save Our Homes Initiative will be known as Proposition 90, which will reform and curtailthe abuse of eminent domain for private property takings in California. I talked to Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, the lead champion of the initiative, today and she reported that all is going well with gaining the support and resources to carry this battle to the win this fall. It’ll be interesting to see the disinformation from the anti-90 crowd on the ‘costs to the taxpayer’ to condemn private property for public use. Well excuse me, but the landowner should be compensated for the highest and best use value of his or her land,not use the police power of EmDo to get it cheap for the government and certainly notto bullya cheap deal for a transfer to another private party for a strip mall, etc.

Other highlights from Secretary McPherson include: -Prop 83, Jessica’s Law by Sen. George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner and Richard Gann. -Prop 85,the followup to Prop 73, a parents right… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

If Arnold’s So Great On Public Safety, Can He Pleeease Explain This Judge Appointment?

I receive a lot of e-mails from the Arnold Schwarzenegger camppaign.

A lot.

It started right aftert the primary election, as if some e-mail spigot was cranked wide open, and it hasn’t stopped since. Even better, I get them in triplicate, since the Arnold campaign seems to have all of my e-mail addresses.

After a while, it’s hard to keep up with them or even bother to read them all. However, three I recieved yesterday and the day before caught my eye. It must have been Message Of The Day is: Public Safety! over at AS HQ, because they were all about how tough Arnold is on the bad guys.

Which reminded me of Senior Public Defender Teresa Snodgrass-Bennett, whom the Governor appointed this January to be a San Bernardino County Superior Court judge (see my previous posts on the subject here, here and here). First, there’s the questionable wisdom of giving judicial robes to someone who has… Read More

Mike Spence

It’s all about the bubbles in Long Beach

Ever since Former Long Beach Mayor Bev O’Neil got arounf the two-term limit imposed by voters by sucessfully waging a write in campaign, others were bound to try to keep office the same way. Councilwoman Jackie kell tries the same thing and came up short. Now the recount has begun and guees what some wrote her name in , but didn’t fill in the bubble. See story here.Of course this amy go to court as the recount continues. I guess some of Kell’s voters didn’t do well on their school exams.… Read More

Unending hyprocrisy from the Left

The Think Progress (gag) blog has a post up on its site titled "Chevron-Funded Schwarzenegger Sells Out The Environment" claiming that because Schwarzenegger has accepted campaign contributions from oil companies he’s somehow beholden to them and –by their logic –doesn’t care about the environment. They clearly think it to be the reason he’s opposing a taxpayer-funded energy research scheme that will appear on the ballot in November. They cite a UC Berkeley study on the initiative’s website that – to them – proves a tax on oil companies will boost the economy. (I’m not going to waste your time refuting that doozy of a claim.)

Meanwhile, they completely forget a proposal of Schwarzenegger’s just last year. Senate Bill 1, the "Million Solar Roofs" campaign, a bill I opposed,originated from… Read More