Today’s Commentary: Team Sports, Diversity and the Governor
Team Sports are very important in the USA. Today as you pass parks there are various sport teams playingin almost every one of them. In American high schools even sports that are individual are organized into teams. I know people can tell from my physique I was a four-year Varsity swimmer. As a younger kid, I spent three glorious years in my local little league. My nickname was "The Statue". Why? I didn’t swing my bat the entire first year. I do have a great story about my first hit if you ever want to hear it. I usually spent three innings in right field (of course right field) praying along with my coaches and other players and their parents that no one would pull the ball and hit to me. Get the picture. The only person that thought I was good was my Mom, who still doesn’t know any of the rules about baseball. … Read More