If Arnold’s So Great On Public Safety, Can He Pleeease Explain This Judge Appointment?
I receive a lot of e-mails from the Arnold Schwarzenegger camppaign.
A lot.
It started right aftert the primary election, as if some e-mail spigot was cranked wide open, and it hasn’t stopped since. Even better, I get them in triplicate, since the Arnold campaign seems to have all of my e-mail addresses.
After a while, it’s hard to keep up with them or even bother to read them all. However, three I recieved yesterday and the day before caught my eye. It must have been Message Of The Day is: Public Safety! over at AS HQ, because they were all about how tough Arnold is on the bad guys.
Which reminded me of Senior Public Defender Teresa Snodgrass-Bennett, whom the Governor appointed this January to be a San Bernardino County Superior Court judge (see my previous posts on the subject here, here and here). First, there’s the questionable wisdom of giving judicial robes to someone who has… Read More