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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Congressman John Campbell

The Over Delivering President

On budget matters, Gray Davis always over promised and under delivered. President Bush tends to do the opposite. Today’s announcement of this year’s revised estimate of the budget deficit was $296 billion, which is $127 billion bellow February’s prediction. If economic growth continues next year’s deficit could shrink to below $200 billion.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Open Invitation

Today we feature an amazing column from Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California exposing an amazing $6 million dollar program in the recently-approved State Budget that funds a biased big-labor institute. You can read the column here.

The FR would like to extend an opportunity to the Governor, or to the following Republican Legislators who voted for this funding (with their vote for the budget) to submit a 600-800 word column in support of this program.


STATE SENATE Dick Ackerman (R – Tustin) Roy Ashburn (R – Bakersfield) Jeff Denham (R – Merced) Bob Dutton (R – Rancho Cucamonga) Chuck Poochigian (R – Fresno)

STATE ASSEMBLY George Plescia (R – San Diego) Greg Aghazarian (R – Stockton) Lynn Daucher (R – Brea) Bill Emmerson (R –… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: State Budget funds organized labor training – and much more!

The FlashReport today is topped with two ‘must read’ columns. The first is an exclusive feature column penned by Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California…. What would you say if I told you that the budget for the State of California — you know, the one signed in the spirit of ‘bi-partisan cooperation’ (translation: where just enough GOPers joined with the Governor to pass the budget while the overwhelming majority of legislative GOPers voted NO on the budget) – what would you say if I told you that it contains six million dollars in funding for a ‘labor institute’ where YOUR tax dollars are literally funding a massive big labor education and training camp ensconced at a California University? It is absolutely NUTS. What is worse is that the Associated Builders and Contractors, who see this as a government subsidy for those who would drive businesses, large and small, out of the state, lobbied hard against this funding – both during the budget debate and also for a veto afterwards — to no avail. If any GOPers who voted for the budget this year want to pen a column in support… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Budget funds organized labor training – and much more!

The FlashReport today is topped with two ‘must read’ columns. The first is an exclusive feature column penned by Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California…. What would you say if I told you that the budget for the State of California — you know, the one signed in the spirit of ‘bi-partisan cooperation’ (translation: where just enough GOPers joined with the Governor to pass the budget while the overwhelming majority of legislative GOPers voted NO on the budget) – what would you say if I told you that it contains six million dollars in funding for a ‘labor institute’ where YOUR tax dollars are literally funding a massive big labor education and training camp ensconced at a California University? It is absolutely NUTS. What is worse is that the Associated Builders and Contractors, who see this as a government subsidy for those who would drive businesses, large and small, out of the state, lobbied hard against this funding – both during the budget debate and also for a veto afterwards — to no avail. If any GOPers who voted for the budget this year want to pen a column in support… Read More

Mike Spence

Princes rebel against Emperor Villaraigosa’s school plan. What should GOP do?

The Mayors of Carson and Rancho Palos Verdes want out of LA Unified. Can you blame them?

Also six southeast LA Countycities oppose Villaraigosa’s plan. See article here. What should Republicans do with the plan? That is easy–they should oppose it.

You don’t even even have to get political and avoid helping the Dem 2010 nominee for Governor. (If Arnold wins)

This public policy is horrible because instead of breaking this disctrict up—-no one will be accountable. The school board really won’t be, either will the Council of Mayors and CTA supports the bill beause teachers aren’t accountable either. Brilliant. Instead of taking the time to breakup and reform the LAUSD monster , we will let it run wild a few years (After 2010)and then let everyone blame someone else.

Godspeed the Mayors of Carson and Rancho Palos Verdes. Free the children!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Earth to Mulholland: Everyone is tired of you!

The Sacramento Bee today notes that Phil Angelides’ condemnation of Bob Mulholland’s comments on Friday doesn’t seem to have had much effect on his senior advisor. Kevin Yamamura writes: "Angelides disavowed the Mulholland remark … Mulholland didn’t heed the advice."

(Mulholland ispictured to the left speaking out against the recall ofGovernor Davis. As you can see, Mulholland isn’t just a jerk – he is a loser, too.) The Schwarzenegger campaign is picking up on this today, with spokesman Matt David saying: "It’s clear Phil Angelides isn’t ready to run the largest state in the nation when he can’t manage a single member of his campaign staff. He acknowledged that the comments coming out of his campaign were offensive, but he failed to stop his senior aide from defending them." … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Rohrabacher’s Take – Lewis staffer makes MILLIONS – More…

I have a breakfast meeting this morning for work, so today’s Commentary will be short and sweet: I read that Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was a participant in the Congressional hearing last week in San Diego County on the illegal immigration issue. I reached out to him to see if he would be willing to pen something for FR readers on his take on how that hearing went. He gladly stepped up to the plate and it is the main feature column on today’s main page. Imagine this for just a second. You work (at government wages) for a Congressman in Washington, who happens to be a big-cheese on the Appropriations (read: spending of your tax dollars) Committee. You then leave the Congressman’s office and become a partner in a big lobbying practice. Of course, what is the ‘specialty’ of the lobbying firm? You guessed it, bringing home the ‘pork’ via the Appropriations Committee. As a lobbying, you successfully advocate that your clients get tens of millions in tax dollars for their projects, and in return, the staffer-turned-lobbyist makes millions. Then the Congressman for whom he works becomes Chairman of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rohrabacher’s Take – Lewis staffer makes MILLIONS – More…

I have a breakfast meeting this morning for work, so today’s Commentary will be short and sweet: I read that Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was a participant in the Congressional hearing last week in San Diego County on the illegal immigration issue. I reached out to him to see if he would be willing to pen something for FR readers on his take on how that hearing went. He gladly stepped up to the plate and it is the main feature column on today’s main page. Imagine this for just a second. You work (at government wages) for a Congressman in Washington, who happens to be a big-cheese on the Appropriations (read: spending of your tax dollars) Committee. You then leave the Congressman’s office and become a partner in a big lobbying practice. Of course, what is the ‘specialty’ of the lobbying firm? You guessed it, bringing home the ‘pork’ via the Appropriations Committee. As a lobbying, you successfully advocate that your clients get tens of millions in tax dollars for their projects, and in return, the staffer-turned-lobbyist makes millions. Then the Congressman for whom he works becomes Chairman of… Read More