California, Here We Come
It’s been asked countless times: Will this be the year California finally “matters” in the race for the Republican nomination for President?
We now have an answer: Yes.
Put another way: California, here we come.
Last night’s contests reshaped the landscape in three ways.
First, Florida Senator Macro Rubio withdrew after losing his home state, bringing the number of contenders down to three. Second, Ohio Governor John Kasich was mathematically eliminated – he would have to win 112% of the remaining delegates to become the nominee, an impossibility. And finally, the race was functionally reduced to a two-man contest between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
While at the moment Donald Trump has about 200 more delegates than Ted Cruz, he is well short of the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination. In fact, he only has about half the delegates he needs, at around 640. Ted Cruz has a little over 400.
California’s 169 delegates – the largest state delegation in the nation – are now essential for victory.
Appearing on CNN this morning, I was actually encouraged by the spin the Trump supporter was putting… Read More