Today’s Commentary: Dead Stem Cell Bill Say, What?
Just when I thought Republicans in congress couldn’t screw up more than they already have on federal spending, illegal immigration and ethics, they vote overwhelmingly in favor of spending taxpayer money on embryonic stem cell research. Fortunately, the White House janitorial staff (after a long and arduous fact-finding mission) were able to locate President George W. Bush’s veto pen (rumored to have been buried under a stack of Weekly Standard magazines that have been piling up in the closet). This will be the President’s virgin veto mission, and I for one anxiously await the long prophesied veto of H.R. 810.
Congressional Republicans have developed a warped notion that they can buy their way to victory this November by spending more and more (taxpayer) money, not just on pork barrel projects like swimming pools for their districts, but also on experimental medical research (embryonic stem cell research).
Talk to any Republican volunteer organization and you’ll hear the echo of frustration that our leaders in DC have betrayed the smaller-is-better approach to government. Now, adding insult to injury, our leaders in DC have tossed aside moral… Read More