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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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State Loan for Embroyonic Stem Cell Research

Gov. Schwarzenegger authorized a $150 million taxpayer funded loan today to the stem cell institute (formally known as California Institute for Regenerative Medicine). The decision comes on the heels of President Bush’s veto yesterday of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

You will recall that in 2004 the voters overwhelmingly approved a $3 billion bond for embryonic stem cell research and biomedical cloning, which has been tied up in the courts.

KQED’s John Myers has a good write up on the governor’s loan and its political significance. Here are a couple of excerpts:

"The Schwarzenegger decision, interestingly enough, is linked to a similar effort to provide a kind of ‘bridge loan’ to the CIRM by state Treasurer and gubernatorial challenger Phil Angelides. Last year, Angelides helped enact a plan to get as much as $200 million to the CIRM through the sale of bond anticipation notes."

"There’s no question that today’s loan decision is interesting as a policy matter. But it also hasRead More

New Kings Arena Deal Reached?

If you’ve got a song title that would make a great analogy for the announcement that the Kings and Sacramento have reached a deal on a new arena….send it my way…otherwise….read about it here.… Read More

Reporter’s Notebook: Political Lawyers

It occurred to me that in my commentary on Tuesday, I suggested reporters call a political attorney before writing about conflicts of interests.

Here, for the benefit of political and government reporters are some attorneys that I have worked with or seen in action (sometimes on the opposite side of one of my clients). They all have experience with political law and are good at what they do:

Ben Davidian Law offices of Ben Davidian Fair Oaks

Dana Reed Reed & Davidson Los Angeles

John Ramirez Rutan & Tucker Costa Mesa

Michael Houston Rutan & Tucker Costa Mesa

Chuck Bell Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk Sacramento

Tom Hiltachk Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk Sacramento

Mark Rosen Law offices of Mark Rosen Santa Ana

Jim Lacy Wewer & Lacy, LLP Laguna Niguel

Fred Woocher Sturmwasser & Woocher LLP Santa Monica

Darryl Wold Irvine

Chip Nielsen Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello et al Mill Valley

And last but not least…added at theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ed Royce – Taxpayer Superhero!

Today is another ‘abbreviated commentary’ day as I flew down from Sacramento yesterday just in time to don my Reserve Deputy Sheriff Uniform and work a 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift at the glorious Orange County Fair (which runs pretty much the whole month of July). So, on four hours of sleep, FR readers don’t get to expect too much out of me after I have now compiled all of the day’s news on the main page. I did want to take a moment to talk about Congressman Ed Royce. Now let me start out by saying that I have known this Orange County politician since I first got involved in politics back in 1987, in my youth-activism days with Young Americans for Freedom. I really enjoyed getting to know YAF’s alumni in the State Legislature, including then-State Senator Ed Royce, who once-upon-a-time was Executive Director of California YAF (a position I went on to hold myself one day). I had an opportunity intern with Royce in the State Capitol, and I served as a special assistant to freshman… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ed Royce – Taxpayer Superhero!

Today is another ‘abbreviated commentary’ day as I flew down from Sacramento yesterday just in time to don my Reserve Deputy Sheriff Uniform and work a 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift at the glorious Orange County Fair (which runs pretty much the whole month of July). So, on four hours of sleep, FR readers don’t get to expect too much out of me after I have now compiled all of the day’s news on the main page. I did want to take a moment to talk about Congressman Ed Royce. Now let me start out by saying that I have known this Orange County politician since I first got involved in politics back in 1987, in my youth-activism days with Young Americans for Freedom. I really enjoyed getting to know YAF’s alumni in the State Legislature, including then-State Senator Ed Royce, who once-upon-a-time was Executive Director of California YAF (a position I went on to hold myself one day). I had an opportunity intern with Royce in the State Capitol, and I served as a special assistant to freshman… Read More

Barry Jantz

“Think Tank” Fools SD Media

Back in January, FR Publisher Jon Fleischman posted "Epicenter of the Right Wing Conspiracy: San Diego!"on the Center on Policy Initiatives and their hee-haw opus, Target San Diego, about the so-called "Right Wing Assault on Urban Democracy and Smart Government."

Fun stuff, although I wouldn’t recommend reading all 79 pages of the report, unless you re-read some Karl — or even Groucho — Marx first.

The Center on Policy Initiatives, if not establishing any real credibility, is apparently doing so with some of the media. Richard Rider of San Diego Tax Fighters says these media outlets should be ashamed, and provides agreat analysis of just why so:

San Diego Tax Fighters Press Release – Authored by Richard Rider

Bogus Think Tank Hoodwinks Press on SD Crime Stats The Center on Policy Initiatives is Actually a Labor Union Propaganda Mill San Diego – Once again, some of the press mistook the Center forRead More

Jon Fleischman

Timm Herdt – GOP Moderates: Lost Hope

FR friend Timm Herdt is an outstanding political writer over at the Ventura County Star. His column today is about the loss of Abel Maldonado and Kieth Richman in their primaries, and posits that this could be viewed as a failure by Governor Schwarzenegger to bring his moderate imprantur to his party. It’s posted on the main page, but I thought I’d highlight it here.

The column starts out:

Moderate Republicans in California, having watched their party become increasingly dominated by conservatives as it sunk deeper and deeper into minority status, had big hopes after Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in 2003. A new leader had arrived, one who because of a lightning strike of political good luck did not have to subject himself to the ideologicalRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

A Corn-fed revolt, coming your way…

Eminent domain reform taking place in many states has Iowa now as a bellwether of what regular folks think of what EmDo has morphed into.

An eminent domainreform bill, passed overwhelminglyby the Iowa legislature this spring, was vetoed by Democratpresidential hopeful, Governor Tom "No Chance" Vilsack (pictured) in June. This bipartisan effort in response toKelo vs. New London that OK’d taking private property for other private use, with the ‘public use’ fig leaf justification being more tax dollars for the government. Iowa’s House passed it by 89-5 and their Senate by 43-6.

Nice career move Guv. This ignited a prairie fire that culminated in their legislature reconvening from adjournment for the year [they would’ve been out for six months, ahem] for consideration… Read More