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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: UC Regents – Out of Touch!

I had an opportunity to work with Gerry Parsky quite a bit during the President’s first election in 2000 – Parksy headed up the President’s campaign for California and I was serving at the time as Executive Director of the California Republican Party. Generally, I would say that it would be a fair characterization to say that Parksy and I were not close. I could pen an entire column on that whole set-up, and my observations of Parsky’s job in his role for the President. But that is for another day (maybe). Let’s suffice it to say that I don’t see much or hear much about Parsky these days, other than occasional stories in the news as he is an appointee to the University of California system’s Board of Regents, and right now he is serving as the head of the board. The nexus to Parsky in this commentary will come to play in about five seconds… When you sift through 80+ websites in a morning looking for political news, you occasionally come across the kind of story that would make you choke on your Wheaties — and this morning that happened when I got to the San Francisco Chronicle. There is a story… Read More

Jon Fleischman

UC Regents – Out of Touch!

I had an opportunity to work with Gerry Parsky quite a bit during the President’s first election in 2000 – Parksy headed up the President’s campaign for California and I was serving at the time as Executive Director of the California Republican Party. Generally, I would say that it would be a fair characterization to say that Parksy and I were not close. I could pen an entire column on that whole set-up, and my observations of Parsky’s job in his role for the President. But that is for another day (maybe). Let’s suffice it to say that I don’t see much or hear much about Parsky these days, other than occasional stories in the news as he is an appointee to the University of California system’s Board of Regents, and right now he is serving as the head of the board. The nexus to Parsky in this commentary will come to play in about five seconds… When you sift through 80+ websites in a morning looking for political news, you occasionally come across the kind of story that would make you choke on your Wheaties — and this morning that happened when I got to the San Francisco Chronicle. There is a story… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

NorCal Leadership on Voting Rights Act

Yesterday marked the 37th Anniversary of the first stepsof man on the moon, by the USA’s Neil Armstrong. Strong leadership was required to see this feataccomplished, during theSpace Race era of the Cold War. Spurred onby President Kennedy in 1962,declaring we must put a man on the moon by the end of the decade, the efforts of NASA, and a country mostly united behind this goal, it did come to fruitionJuly 20, 1969.Using what is now looked at as cumbersome antique technology, our nation was able to flymen to the moon, land them and bring them home safely to Earth, something still never accomplished by any other nation.

The Voting Rights Act, passedAugust 6,1965 [the day after Armstrong’s 35th birthday] required strong leadership to succeed as well. The notion that all US citizens have the right to vote without impediments such as poll taxes or intimidation at polling places was widely held and resulted in VRA’s passage, by a strong bipartisan vote of Senate Republicans 30-1… Read More

Jon Fleischman

In Sacramento, the bureaucrats and the billionaires want to reach into your pockets — and raise your taxes!

If you live in Sacramento County, the loud ‘sucking sound’ you hear is an alliance of billionaires and bureaucrats who are salivating at the thought of gauging county taxpayers with a new 1/4 cent increase in the local sales tax — and for what?

Well, according to a story that was first reported below by ace Sacramento Area FR Correspondent Joe Justin and also now appears on the Sacramento Bee website, the tax would provide public funding for a new stadium/arena for the Sacramento Kings, and also provide addition funds into the hands of local politicians to spend as they see fit. Specifically $1.2 billion or so is projected to be raised by this tax increase,… Read More


I might be missing something, but it appears that the unions are so nervous about keeping the seats they hold given the potential for an Angelides route……it’s only July and their a bit paranoid as you can see from this pithy little piece by State Building & Construction Trades Council of California, AFL-CIO attacking Arne Simonsen…..… Read More

Poizner Campaign: Jennifer Kerns appointed Comm. Dir.

The Steve Poizner for Insurance Commissioner campaign announced that Jennifer Kerns is the new communications director for the campaign.

Kerns has long Orange County ties having previously worked for former OC Assemblywoman Pat Bates and been a leader in the OC Young Republicans.

Most recently Kerns was Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Planning under SOS Bruce McPherson.

An Oklahoma native Kerns campaigned for former U. S. Rep. J. C. Watts in his first election.

Jennifer Kerns has a good reputation with CA political press and editorial boards. Watch out Cruz.… Read More

Strenth vs. Appeasement

Put on your thinking caps and starting considering how the war in the Middle East between Israel and the terrorist organization Hezbollah will impact the November elections. Because it will. And in fact, it already is. Even here in California.

The Fall elections, according to gubernatorial hopeful Phil Angelides and his campaign co-chair House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, are about “change.” A change in direction, a change in leadership. And to make their point, Phil and Nancy will attempt to tie President George W. Bush around the necks of Republican incumbents in hopes of making them sink to the bottom.

This strategy, which seemed ominous for candidates like Schwarzenegger just a week ago, may now be dying on the vine. Witness the recent action of Angelides’ campaign co-chair, Ms. Pelosi:

“House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) approached Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on the floor Tuesday evening to see if she would attach her name to the most recent version of a joint resolution supporting Israel in its battle with two militant Islamic groups.

“After five days of wrangling between the twoRead More

Ethics in San Diego

A good friend of mine, attorney Guillermo Cabrera, serves on the San Diego Ethics Commission. Gil and his fellow commissioners have apparently been pretty busy.

Most recently, the Ethics Commission has received a significant amount of press relating to Gil’s proposal toprohibitlobbyists who raise at least $5,000 in contributions or solicit donations from 50 or more people on behalf of a successful candidate from lobbying the elected official they supported. This has been pretty widely reported in San Diego press (read one article here). Short version of the proposal: The Ethics Commission didn’t have sufficient votes to recommend the measure’s adoption by the City Council. Not that this matter is dead, according to my correspondence with Gil. He says he’s got some other ideas on how to head offlobbyist influence in San Diego city government.

Now Gil is a swell guy, an excellent lawyer and a very good friend. But personally I disagree withhis proposal and I… Read More