Today’s Commentary: UC Regents – Out of Touch!
I had an opportunity to work with Gerry Parsky quite a bit during the President’s first election in 2000 – Parksy headed up the President’s campaign for California and I was serving at the time as Executive Director of the California Republican Party. Generally, I would say that it would be a fair characterization to say that Parksy and I were not close. I could pen an entire column on that whole set-up, and my observations of Parsky’s job in his role for the President. But that is for another day (maybe). Let’s suffice it to say that I don’t see much or hear much about Parsky these days, other than occasional stories in the news as he is an appointee to the University of California system’s Board of Regents, and right now he is serving as the head of the board. The nexus to Parsky in this commentary will come to play in about five seconds… When you sift through 80+ websites in a morning looking for political news, you occasionally come across the kind of story that would make you choke on your Wheaties — and this morning that happened when I got to the San Francisco Chronicle. There is a story… Read More