Today’s Commentary: Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.
This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More