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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.

This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.

This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More

Mike Spence

Liar! Liar! Brian Bilbray’s Pants are on Fire!

UPDATE: 07-28-06 FROM JON FLEISCHMAN: I have had a couple of e-mail dialogues with Brian Bilbray’s Press Secretary, and sent an email to Congressman Bilbray’s personal e-mail account that has gone unanswered. I guess his choosing to answer this ‘challenge’ is going to have to be taken as a de fact admission that Bilbray lied to pro-life conservatives in order to get elected to office, and then totally changed his position once elected. So now the issue isn’t stem-cell research, it is honesty and integrity. Brian Bilbray, in not responding, is basically saying, "Yep, I lied – tough!" If someone doesn’t have theirRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Non Threat to Radanovich

It’s a slow news day in Fresno. Other than the stifling 113 degree heat, there is absolutely nothing going on of interest around here. The town is as deserted as its been in awhile as all who can seek refuge at Shaver Lake, Pismo Beach, Carmel, Monterey and Santa Cruz.

I have no idea why the Bee would bother with a story on the Congressional "race" between Democrat TJ Cox and incumbent GOP Congressmen George Radanovich. This is one of the most conservative districts in the country and the registration makes it impossible for a Democrat to win.

Someone has talked TJ Cox into spending a truckload of his own money to try to unseat Radanovich and whoever it is has committed a grievous offense against the Cox family fortune. It’s called political malpractice.

Yes, there are periods where a Democrat can out raise a Republican in a Republican District. Most donors correctly withhold their funds from a candidate like Radanovich because they know he can’t lose.

Meanwhile, self… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…GOP Values Like a Needle in a Haystack?

No one in the Republican Party likely expected Mayor Jerry Sanders and Councilman Kevin Faulconer to ever be what a conservative refers to as "hardcore." The City of San Diego doesn’t exactly have a history of breeding conservative politicians, and many ideologues seem to have settled with the fact that"centrist-right" elected officials inSDwill, for the most part,at least holdtheirown on fiscal issues (the small issue of the pension debacle aside).

Sure, those registered as Reps may stand up for the Mt. Soledad Cross (while watering down the core argument by noting they are defending aWar Memorial, not a religious symbol), and most back the Boy Scouts fairly consistently, but Republicans on the San Diego City Council are typically a fairly moderate crew. But, needle exchange?

As noted on these pages, the program was recently reinstated in San Diego at the urging of Mayor Sanders, passing the city council on a 6-1 vote. (Find the SDUT story… Read More

Duane Dichiara


In San Diego County, the process for nonpartisan endorsements by the Republican Party started a couple of weeks ago with the mass endorsement of dozens if not hundreds of Republican incumbents by the Committee. Part of the process, however, allows individual GOP incumbents to be “pulled” from the mass endorsement list by members of the Committee. Usually, an incumbent is only pulled for a pretty straightforward reason. Pulled candidates need to come before the assembled Central Committee during their regular endorsement meeting, ask for the endorsement, and answer any questions or address any problems the committee my have. Their Republican opponents are allowed the same opportunity. Then the committee votes.

This year two North San Diego County Mayors were pulled.

Before getting into particulars, some background is needed. Polling has demonstrated time and time again that the Republican endorsement is the single most important endorsement in both the County of San Diego as a whole, and in the vast suburban neighborhoods and cities outside of the urban core. Over the past few years the local Republican Party has increased it’s political… Read More

Evangelicals and Arnold

A column by Larry Gertson in today’s San Francisco Chronicle and featured on the FlashReport about Gov. Schwarzenegger’s potential problem with the evangelical vote this Fall gives me pause.

I know a little something about evangelicals, having grown up the daughter of an evangelical pastor who recently retired after 30 years in the ministry.

Gertson asserts:

“[Schwarzenegger] has failed [evangelicals] on abortion and been extremely weak on same-sex marriage, opposing it in concept but advocating strong partnership rights for gays. On other evangelical issues, such as assisted suicide and school vouchers, Schwarzenegger has been conspicuously silent, suggesting that these are issues for others to work out. One might think that these positions don’t matter, because any self-respecting evangelical would take Schwarzenegger over Angelides in a heartbeat. Yet, if they don’t perceive much of a difference between the two candidates, evangelicals just might refrain from voting altogether — a move almostRead More

Jon Fleischman

The Governor is overshooting the middle – we need a course adjustment…

[There is no Sunday Commentary – enjoy your day — but I will leave up this important Commentary from Saturday in case you haven’t read it! – Flash] It’s time for a course-correction. I understand that the strategy for the Governor to be re-elected this November includes firmly planting his flag in the political center and holding his ground — with conservatives holding their noses at some of his policy moves, as the specter of a Phil Angelides’ Governorship is too much to bear. Relative to conservatives, that strategy is working to some extent (look at me, I have said a hundred times on this page that I am supporter Schwarzenegger for re-election). But lately I have noticed that among many of my conservative friends who are involved in politics, the enthusiasm and energyRead More