No Soup for You! Try a popsicle instead…
It’s a little past 9:30 PM in Sacramento. The temperature outside, according to www.weather.com is 88 degrees. The temperature inside my house, according to the Hanretty thermostat, is 82 degrees. So it’s nearly as hot inside as it is outside. I’ll be placing a call to Perfection Heating and Air in the morning. If you live in Sacramento, ask for Eric.
In the meantime, here’s the official list of remedies from Gov. Schwarzenegger’s office to beat the heat.
Dress in lightweight loose fitting clothing. Keep well hydrated with a particular attention to dependent residents. Physical activities should be kept to a minimum during the hottest parts of the day. Keep indoors and out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day. Use fans as appropriate. Open windows where feasible and if screens are intact, to allow fresh air to circulate. Use cool compresses, misting, showers and baths. Avoid hot foods and heavy meals. Encourage frozen treats such as "Popsicles" between … Read More