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Duane Dichiara


In San Diego County, the process for nonpartisan endorsements by the Republican Party started a couple of weeks ago with the mass endorsement of dozens if not hundreds of Republican incumbents by the Committee. Part of the process, however, allows individual GOP incumbents to be “pulled” from the mass endorsement list by members of the Committee. Usually, an incumbent is only pulled for a pretty straightforward reason. Pulled candidates need to come before the assembled Central Committee during their regular endorsement meeting, ask for the endorsement, and answer any questions or address any problems the committee my have. Their Republican opponents are allowed the same opportunity. Then the committee votes.

This year two North San Diego County Mayors were pulled.

Before getting into particulars, some background is needed. Polling has demonstrated time and time again that the Republican endorsement is the single most important endorsement in both the County of San Diego as a whole, and in the vast suburban neighborhoods and cities outside of the urban core. Over the past few years the local Republican Party has increased it’s political… Read More

Evangelicals and Arnold

A column by Larry Gertson in today’s San Francisco Chronicle and featured on the FlashReport about Gov. Schwarzenegger’s potential problem with the evangelical vote this Fall gives me pause.

I know a little something about evangelicals, having grown up the daughter of an evangelical pastor who recently retired after 30 years in the ministry.

Gertson asserts:

“[Schwarzenegger] has failed [evangelicals] on abortion and been extremely weak on same-sex marriage, opposing it in concept but advocating strong partnership rights for gays. On other evangelical issues, such as assisted suicide and school vouchers, Schwarzenegger has been conspicuously silent, suggesting that these are issues for others to work out. One might think that these positions don’t matter, because any self-respecting evangelical would take Schwarzenegger over Angelides in a heartbeat. Yet, if they don’t perceive much of a difference between the two candidates, evangelicals just might refrain from voting altogether — a move almostRead More

Jon Fleischman

The Governor is overshooting the middle – we need a course adjustment…

[There is no Sunday Commentary – enjoy your day — but I will leave up this important Commentary from Saturday in case you haven’t read it! – Flash] It’s time for a course-correction. I understand that the strategy for the Governor to be re-elected this November includes firmly planting his flag in the political center and holding his ground — with conservatives holding their noses at some of his policy moves, as the specter of a Phil Angelides’ Governorship is too much to bear. Relative to conservatives, that strategy is working to some extent (look at me, I have said a hundred times on this page that I am supporter Schwarzenegger for re-election). But lately I have noticed that among many of my conservative friends who are involved in politics, the enthusiasm and energyRead More

Lt. Col. DeVore at the U.S.-Mexico border

Lt. Col. (Assemblyman) Chuck DeVore informed constituents on Thursday that he was going to be heading to the border in his capacity as an officer in the Cal Guard. He wrote, "I gave some modest input to the orders writing process for this mission and it will be great to see our magnificent soldiers in action helping to secure our southern border."

Well, here’s his very interesting after action report:

What’s happening on the border?

There is lingering confusion about the National Guard’s role on the border with Mexico. A few short observations may serve to clear up some of this confusion.Read More

Green Party in CA Condemns Pro-Israel Rally In SF

Check out this wildly crazy press release from the Green Party here in California, opposing U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s participation in a pro-Israel rally in San Francisco this Sunday.

As HD Palmer would say, "No Spin Required."

For Immediate Release


Green Party Press Conference to Denounce Sen. Feinstein’s Support for Israeli War Sunday, July 23 at 11am Justin Herman Plaza (at the foot of Market Street) Contact: 510-590-6073

On Sunday, July 23, Sen. Dianne Feinstein will lead a noon rally in San Francisco supporting the Israeli invasion of Gaza and Lebanon. (

Green Party candidate Todd Chretien will be there, joined by members of the Palestinian and Arab community and Bay Area anti-war activists, to offer an alternative to Sen. Feinstein’s cheering of the Israeli military.

"Sen. Feinstein’s decision to lead the pro-Israel rally called by Jewish Community Relations Council is despicable. At least she is consistent. She… Read More

Will the “Anxiety Factor” Affect Voters in Nov?

There have been a couple of posts by Jon Fleishmanand Joe Justinabout a quarter-cent sales tax increase that is likely to appear on the ballot in Sacramento county for the purpose of raising $1.2 billion to build a new downtown sports arena for the Sacramento Kings and provide local government with additional revenue. (The $1.2 billion will be split between the arena and local governments contained within Sac County.)

Just to put into perspective how utterly insane and politically tone-deaf all parties involved with this deal are, consider that the billionaire Maloof Boys (owners of Sacramento Kings, not to mention The Palms casino in Las Vegas, and driving force behind a new arena) are asking voters to pay more at the gas pump by raising the price of a gallon of gasoline with this sales tax proposal. Not only that, this ill-conceived ballot initiative, which must be approved by the voters, is sharing real estate on the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Governor is overshooting the middle – we need a course adjustment…

It’s time for a course-correction. I understand that the strategy for the Governor to be re-elected this November includes firmly planting his flag in the political center and holding his ground — with conservatives holding their noses at some of his policy moves, as the specter of a Phil Angelides’ Governorship is too much to bear. Relative to conservatives, that strategy is working to some extent (look at me, I have said a hundred times on this page that I am supporter Schwarzenegger for re-election). But lately I have noticed that among many of my conservative friends who are involved in politics, the enthusiasm and energy is waning. Oh, these friends will vote. And by and large they will vote for Schwarzenegger (one told me yesterday he was going to write in Tom McClintock). But the enthusiasm to get out that and charge the hill for Schwarzenegger lessens with each shift to the left. I know that there… Read More

Vote for Phil: He’s never been a lead actor

**With Updates**

Word from the California Democratic Party to the California Republican Party: You’ve been served! Rumble on the playground after school.

The C"D"P has a new pro-Phil ad out, available for viewing on their website under "Issues." The gist: Phil is a leader, Arnold is an actor.

Ya, but has Phil ever been a lead actor? Uh, no.

I don’t have an exact transcript, but it goes something like this…

"While Arnold Schwarzenegger was destroying planet earth and snuffing out puppies and kittens, Phil Angelides was in Sacramento sitting behind a deskshowing leadership by looking very important in his dark suit.

"When Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to starve children and steal their X Boxes in the middle of the night and sell them to the Chinese, Phil Angelides showed what true leadership is by hiring small children to pose with him for photographs.

"Let’s bring the world’s fifth largest economy back from the brink of extinction and dispair. California… Read More