Jerry Lewis: Spending is up, but does that make him a criminal?
[This is a ‘weekend commentary’ – so it will be up both Saturday and Sunday.]
In some ways I feel very bad for California Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis, and in some ways I don’t. Let me start with the caveat that, to my recollection, I have never met the man. Which is at least a modest statement about his level of engagement in Republican politics in California given that I am a former Executive Director of the State GOP, and have been a fixture at conventions going back twenty years. Then again this is a big state, and I admit that I don’t hang out in Redlands all that often.
I have heard from a number of mutual friends that on a personal level, Jerry Lewis is a nice guy. And on a personal level, I am empathetic about what the Congressman must be going through. Right now, his professional (and personal) life is under and intense scrutiny with investigations taking place by the federal… Read More