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Bad Moon Rising

This one is dedicated to Joe Justin….simply because the only title I could think of is a song title.

There is bad news on the horizon for Phil Angelides tomorrow with the release of a new Field Poll.

Be sure to look for the percentage of Republican supportGov. Schwarzenegger is getting from his own party. It reflects what the numbers crunchers say heneedsin November to win.… Read More

Garamendi tells consumers: You’ll Love it at Levitz!

Every pop cultureenthusiast knows about the practice of"product placement" in movies, television, video games and music videos.

If you grew up in the 80s you probably begged your mom to buy Reese’s Pieces with after you saw the movie E.T. Or perhaps your first exposure to a DeLorean was in the movie theaters, watching the eternally youthful Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future.

My favorite modern day villain (right after Al Gore) is Austin Power’s Dr. Evil, who invested in Starbucks as a way of raising the necessary capital for world domination. (Why didn’t I think of that?)

Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger was accused of getting in the product placementbusiness when one of his political TV ads prominently featured Pepsi and Arrowhead Water — products owned by Nestle, which donated about a quarter million to the gov’s campaign.

So while product placement in politics isn’t entire unheard of, I was still surprised when I saw that Insurance Commission John Garamendi, and candidate for Lt. Governor, used product placement in a…press release!

"Under the new regulations, the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Labor Institute” Funding makes WSJ’s Political Diary…

Arnold Bankrolls Opposition Research on Himself

California is facing a $4 billion budget deficit, so you might reasonably assume that the state can’t afford the luxury of funding think tanks for wealthy special interest groups. Yet the budget signed late last month by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger includes $6 million for something called the Labor Institute, a pro-union public policy research outfit housed at the University of California. In doing so, Arnold reversed his previous position, suggesting a heavy whiff of election-year politics.

The Labor Institute got its start back in 2001 under Mr. Schwarzenegger’s Democratic predecessor, Gray Davis, and over the years has received nearly $23 million in taxpayer funding. Founded by left-wing professors at UCLA and UC Berkeley, the LA Times described it as "a place… Read More

Jon Fleischman

H/T to Josh and David at Roll Call

Roll Call is the "must read" newspaper on Capitol Hill. That said, you have to pay to pay to read it – even online. But David Drucker sent me over a piece he ran last Thursday, on my new career move. Thought I would share it with the 99.9% of FR readers who do not subscribe to RC.

Thanks David! Flash! This Just In! Consultant Hanging Shingle! By Josh Kurtz Roll Call Staff July 20,Read More

Mike Spence

Liar! Liar! Brian Bilbray’s Pants are on Fire!

There is an old joke that goes something like this.

Q. How do you know a politician is lying?

A. His lips are moving.

Obviously this catches the public’s disgust with politicians that say one thing and do another. This is one of the reasons citizen’s groups want things in writing. They send questionnaires out hoping to put these politicians in ink on various topics. They believe that at least having something writing will keep politicians honest.

In March of this year former CongressmanBrian Bilbray was running for the 50th Congressional Seat after Duke Cunningham resigned in disgrace.

Bilbray had a mixed voting record on life issues, but he filled out a questionnaire for the National Right to Life Committee. I have posted it below.

He indicated that his votes if elected would be "better" than his last go around in Congress.

After the April Primary, the National Right to Life Committee spent money in an independent expenditure campaign against pro-abortion Democratic candidate Francine Busby. Radio ads and telephone calls told pro-life votersRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.

This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Phil Angelides IS a tax hike. Off to the DMV. Flash in the OC Buzz.

This November, you will have a ton of opportunities to vote to raise your taxes. We’ll be looking more closely at all of these in the coming weeks and months. Today’s issue of USA Today has a story on the effort to raise the state’s cigarette tax by 300%! While most of us don’t smoke, it is important that we all stand tall against this heinous attempt to raise taxes. If you don’t stand up to this tax hike, then who will stand up when the next tax hike hits YOU? Of course, I think it is important to remember that the biggest ‘tax hike’ on the November ballot isn’t a measure, it is a person. Democrat Gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides has promised to raise taxes all over the map. There is not one Californian who would be immune from his quest to grow the size and scope of state government. Clearly this is someone who thinks that the liberals and bureaucrats in Sacramento can spend your money better than you can. Vote no on the tax hikes (including the bonds) and vote no on Phil Angelides! Today in the Orange County Register’s Weekly "Buzz" column, he makes mention of my move to the … Read More

Mike Spence

Liar! Liar! Brian Bilbray’s Pants are on Fire!

UPDATE: 07-28-06 FROM JON FLEISCHMAN: I have had a couple of e-mail dialogues with Brian Bilbray’s Press Secretary, and sent an email to Congressman Bilbray’s personal e-mail account that has gone unanswered. I guess his choosing to answer this ‘challenge’ is going to have to be taken as a de fact admission that Bilbray lied to pro-life conservatives in order to get elected to office, and then totally changed his position once elected. So now the issue isn’t stem-cell research, it is honesty and integrity. Brian Bilbray, in not responding, is basically saying, "Yep, I lied – tough!" If someone doesn’t have theirRead More