Another Angelides Misfire
Pinky: Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight? Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world! Pinky: Narf! The Sac Bee’s Daniel Weintraub posted this afternoon about Phil Angelides’ Power Point presentation for victory in November.
“According to the campaign braintrust, Angelides is going to remind Democrats early and often that Schwarzenegger is a Bush Republican who campaigned for the president in Ohio and shares his values at crunch time…”
In other words, Team Phil is counting on the governor’s re-elect in California to play out like Senator Joe Lieberman’s re-elect in Connecticut. Does that mean Mulholland has a “kiss of death” photo/video with Gov. Schwarzenegger and Pres. Bush? Probably. Will it matter? I don’t think so.
Democrats in Connecticut are upset with Lieberman over his rubberstamp of the Iraq war. Try as they might (and will), there’s no… Read More