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Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans step up on Illegal Immigration

This week it was announced that Assembly Republicans are mobilizing on the issue of illegal immigration by forming an Illegal Immigration Task Force, which will hold a series of hearings up and down the Golden State. In the words of Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (pictured to the left), who was tapped by the Assembly Republican Caucus to head up this taskforce, “[It] will quantify the impact that illegal immigration has on California and propose real solutions to this devastating problem.”

Assemblywoman Audra Strickland also be heading up these hearings with DeVore. We’ll anxiously await to see which other Assembly GOPers sign up for this taskforce. Forming this task force was a brilliant idea. In the latest statewide poll of such things, it was… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Another Reason to Open Up ANWR – National Defense

Today over lunch, in a conversation over the Middle East and the powder keg that is the world we live into today, my young brother Chuck (pictured to the right) uttered yet another reason to open up ANWR for oil and gas exploration – National Defense and Homeland Security.

The world is one nuclear strike away from all out chaos and despair and the rogue regimes in the Middle East that control the world’s oil production have too much control over our economy and over our defense capabilities. Our defense machinery runs on oil and gas, from tank fuel to jet fuel and our reliability for supply is tenuous at best.

So, again, we call upon the President to exercise his constitutional authority and SIGN AN EXECUTIVE ORDER authorizing the exploration and development of our own oil and gas resources in the ANWR region of Alaska – for the express purpose of ensuring adequate supplies for our national security needs first and economic… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Legislators: Term Limits are Popular – A History Lesson.

A special joint legislative panel has been formed to look at two issues: changing the way that the decennial redrawing of legislative districts takes place, and the potential of changing the way California’s legislative term-limits work. Both are issues that ultimately would have to be brought to California voters before any change can take place. There is no doubt that the current system of redistricting for the Golden State is flawed, producing an ultra-liberal legislature that has little regard for the notions of individual liberty and responsibility, and respect for the concept of a more limited role for state government in the lives of Californians. That said, there is a political graveyard filled with the ‘dead bodies’ of countless attempts to move the redistricting process out of the hands of legislators. It’s an issue easily made complicated to voters, who then seem to vote against it. We’ll see if something can come out of this committee that fares any better. Ready to pounce on any worthwhile proposal will be liberal Democrats who stand to gain from the status-quo which locks in their legislative majorities… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Legislators: Term Limits are Popular – A History Lesson.

A special joint legislative panel has been formed to look at two issues: changing the way that the decennial redrawing of legislative districts takes place, and the potential of changing the way California’s legislative term-limits work. Both are issues that ultimately would have to be brought to California voters before any change can take place. There is no doubt that the current system of redistricting for the Golden State is flawed, producing an ultra-liberal legislature that has little regard for the notions of individual liberty and responsibility, and respect for the concept of a more limited role for state government in the lives of Californians. That said, there is a political graveyard filled with the ‘dead bodies’ of countless attempts to move the redistricting process out of the hands of legislators. It’s an issue easily made complicated to voters, who then seem to vote against it. We’ll see if something can come out of this committee that fares any better. Ready to pounce on any worthwhile proposal will be liberal Democrats who stand to gain from the status-quo which locks in their legislative majorities… Read More

Chuck DeVore Talking About Republican Immigration Hearings On John and Ken Show

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine) is scheduled to be a guest on the show at 6 pm. I expect he’ll be questioned about the upcoming illegal immigration hearings organized by Assembly Republicans. Illegal immigration is, for those who haven’t listened to one of the shows, the prime focus of the duo.

Click here for streaming audio.

UPDATE: I guess Assemblyman DeVore was bumped from J&K due to the British terrorism plot. The word is he will appear on the show tomorrow. Check back at the FlashReport for the latest!Read More

Mike Spence

George Runner Gives Up Bid to Change LA Judges

Metnews is reporting that George Runner is giving up his bid to force district elections for judges in LA County.

When voters conslidated Municipal and Superior courts they did harm to large counties like LA. It made sense not to duplicate services in small counties with two sets of judges. The net effect in large counties is to ignore regional representation in judges. Pomona, Palmdale, West Hollywood and Compton are all different and are no longer represented.

Look at the reasons for opposition below. If judges are to sit in one place services would have to be provided there. Oh my!

The article portions relevant to this are pasted below.


A proposed constitutional amendment that would have required that Los Angeles Superior Court judges be elected by district, with each district to elect no more than 36 judges, was withdrawn yesterday by its sponsors.

A statement distributed by the office of Sen. George Runner,Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Hail to the Press!

The Daily Press, to be exact.

This isn’t really an ideological post. It’s just really apleasure for me to commend and thank two members of our local newspaper industry whodistinguished themselves this past Monday by capturing a known rapist and suspected serial killer in the High Desert City of Victorville.

John W. Thomson, a fugitive from the state of Washington, was apprehended by two Victor Valley Daily Press employees after the accused killer failed to carjack one woman and then made a second carjacking attempt in a parking lot next to the newspaper’s office. That crime was foiled by pressmen Joe Iskandar, 27 (above, left), and Rey Bantug, 24 (above, right), who overheard the commotion while on a break. Without hesitation they intervened, overpowering and detaining Thomson until Sheriff’s deputies arrived. The two men used plastic zip ties from the pressroom to handcuff Thomson. Read about it… Read More

Capitol Weekly Contributing To End Of Sessionitis

Today, the staff of Capitol Weekly started off their Roundup (always essential, sometimes hilariousreading) with a note about their First Annual Capitol Weekly/Around the Capitol Awards for Legislators, lobbyists and staff. Theyinformed readersa ballot would be emailed out sometime today with such categories as Best Dressed Legislator, Smartest Legislator, Most Underrated Lobbyist, Best Looking Legislative Staffer, etc.and asked recipients to take part.

Well, judging simplyfrom my own experience with legislative offices today, this awards exercise has caught fire, with slates being developed and jokes being played (would you expect anything less under the Dome?). So don’t be too surprised if the phone rings a few times before you get an answer.

I’d love to see a study done about much money was lost in hours of state timeto the Weekly’s Capitol Awards.

P.S. Don’t forget about the Weekly’s very helpfulRead More