Posted by Karen Hanretty at 12:00 am on Aug 17, 2006 3 Comments
Picture this: You’re the smartest guy in California, and you’re
running for governor. You went to Harvard, so you must be
smart. Certainly a lot smarter than your opponent, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, who went to community college and got his degree
from a college that you’ve never heard of.
You try not to brag too much about your Harvard education
because, after all, you’re the champion of the little guy.
The middle class. The working stiff who isn’t smart enough to
get into Harvard. But you were. Because you’re the
smartest guy in California.
Sadly, your campaign team, through no fault of their own, isn’t
as smart as you. Therefore, you’ll have to do all the work yourself
and delegate the bits and pieces.
Like today when you had this brilliant idea to have the
California Democratic Party put out a press release pointing a
bright red arrow at Schwarzenegger, who is appearing at a
fundraiser with America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani. (Who, by the way,
graduated from Manhattan College and got his law degree from New
York University Law School. Egads!)
Imagine all the negative press and moral indignation that will
surely… Read More