The End
Part of the make-up of my Midwestern heritage is the deep desire to always do your best. I’ve struggled for some time with the knowledge that this is not what I do best…this blogging thing. I’m a political consultant, not some pontificating blogger. I mentioned that in my initial posts so many months ago that I wasn’t comfortable doing this public commenting thing… that I was more suited for being low profile. Bono was once quoted as saying that as soon as he believed he was putting out crap music in a crap band…he was outta here. I get that. (Mr. Justin, I know Bono, and you sir are no Bono). I wasn’t posting often and what I was posting wasn’t inspiring me…so Lord knows it must have bored you….and I didn’t sign up for that.
So…this is The End. (Normally I’d supply a hot link to something cool about this song…perhaps from its importance to the emotions of the movie Apocalypse Now, or to the gut busting humor of the SNL sketch where John McCain is driven to madness stumping for W….but sadly the lyrics are really offensive in one section…and…well…no link for this song… Read More