Baca Still Confounded by Party Politics
It’s been a tough year for U.S. Rep. Joe Baca (D-Rialto), who lost several skirmishes with fellow DemocratsculminatinginJune primary electiondefeat forhis two sons, Assemblyman Joe Baca Jr. in the 32nd Senate District primary and Jeremy Baca in the 62nd Assembly District.
It’s true that "Working Joe" has never beena favorite son of the Democrat party (he’s not considered liberal or effective enough, believe it or not). It’s also not unusual for a legislator, especially a congressman, to be accused of losing touch with the local political base. But Mr. Baca seems to take it a step further by demonstrating utter cluelessness about the goings on and operations of his own party.
For example, two days after Baca Junior’s Senate Primary defeat at the hands ofAssemblywoman Gloria Negrete-McLeod, Baca Senior told the Press Enterprise that Republicans were secretly backing the liberal Negrete-McLeodbecause she would be easier for the GOP nomineeto defeat in the November general election. Problem there was no Republican was running for the seat.
Another victorious candidate in the June… Read More