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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Phil’s bad press day, Don’t link term-limits and redistricting on ballot.

PHIL’S BAD PRESS DAY FR friend Steve Maviglio, who had been handling some press duties for Phil Angelides during the legislative break, is back at work for Speaker Nunez these days. But I am sure as he is looking at press coverage of the Gubernatorial race today, he is rolling his eyes. Since he is in Sacramento, he has to read a buzz column that starts out with a story about how basketball legend Magic Johnson was a no-show for an Angelides fundraiser. But that is only the beginning of bad-press Monday for the ersatz Governor Angelides… You have a major story in the Los Angeles Times dumping on Angelides for a lack of charisma, the Contra Costa Times wondering if Angelides will gain any traction, and then Bill Bradley on his New West Notes website throws dirt into the political grave of Angelides, highlighting that the only way he gets press is by talking about whatever the Governor is talking about, in the hopes of getting a down-story quote. And it’s only Monday, Phil!


Jon Fleischman

Phil’s bad press day, Don’t link term-limits and redistricting on ballot.

PHIL’S BAD PRESS DAY FR friend Steve Maviglio, who had been handling some press duties for Phil Angelides during the legislative break, is back at work for Speaker Nunez these days. But I am sure as he is looking at press coverage of the Gubernatorial race today, he is rolling his eyes. Since he is in Sacramento, he has to read a buzz column that starts out with a story about how basketball legend Magic Johnson was a no-show for an Angelides fundraiser. But that is only the beginning of bad-press Monday for the ersatz Governor Angelides… You have a major story in the Los Angeles Times dumping on Angelides for a lack of charisma, the Contra Costa Times wondering if Angelides will gain any traction, and then Bill Bradley on his New West Notes website throws dirt into the political grave of Angelides, highlighting that the only way he gets press is by talking about whatever the Governor is talking about, in the hopes of getting a down-story quote. And it’s only Monday, Phil! … Read More

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: LAT targets Gary Miller – Chron looks at Arnold’s Fab Four

There is a lot of interesting reading linked to the main page of the FlashReport this morning. A quick summary of the highlights:

The LA Times has Republican Congressman Gary Miller in their crosshairs. In addition to being a Member of Congress, Miller is a very successful businessman, apparently owning a lot of property. At issue in the LAT piece today are a serious of land transactions where Miller made millions of dollars in profits, but did not pay capitol gains taxes because he claimed that these property sales were forced due to eminent domain decisions by local governments. The Times says that, upon closer investigation, these sales were not compelled by local governments. I will ask you this question: If the government condemns your land, or just says, "if you don’t sell it to us, we will condemn it" — isn’t that the same thing? Carla Marinucci is a veteran political reporter and analyst at the San Francisco Chronicle. Today she pens an interesting piece on the turnabout in political fortunes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, focusing on a four-person team of … Read More

Jon Fleischman

LAT targets Gary Miller – Chron looks at Arnold’s Fab Four

There is a lot of interesting reading linked to the main page of the FlashReport this morning. A quick summary of the highlights:

The LA Times has Republican Congressman Gary Miller in their crosshairs. In addition to being a Member of Congress, Miller is a very successful businessman, apparently owning a lot of property. At issue in the LAT piece today are a serious of land transactions where Miller made millions of dollars in profits, but did not pay capitol gains taxes because he claimed that these property sales were forced due to eminent domain decisions by local governments. The Times says that, upon closer investigation, these sales were not compelled by local governments. I will ask you this question: If the government condemns your land, or just says, "if you don’t sell it to us, we will condemn it" — isn’t that the same thing? Carla Marinucci is a veteran political reporter and analyst at the San Francisco Chronicle. Today she pens an interesting piece on the turnabout in political fortunes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, focusing on a four-person team of … Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

LiMandri, Thalheimer, Kellogg Invited to Soledad Signing… Cheers to Duncan Hunter for his obvious involvement in arranging invites for Chuck LiMandri and Phil Thalheimer to tomorrow’s Presidential bill signing of the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Protection Act. Several pleas, including my blog poston Chuck,were made to include one or both of these champions on the issue…and Duncan clearly knew they were deserving. Rick Terrazas, Hunter’s district chief, called me a couple of days after my post to let me know that the invites had been extended.

On a side note, the word is that William Kellogg of the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association has also been invited. Interesting in that the MSMA a couple of years back agreed to a settlement that called for removal of the cross in exchange for the Association gaining clear ownership of the property, which… Read More

Arizona Feeling Lucky About Voting

A political gadfly in Arizona collected 186,000 signatures to qualify a measure for this November’s that would give 1 lucky voter $1 million just for voting. Lots of obvious pros and cons to this measure, but could you imagine the voters that would participate, knowing very little about the candidates and measures.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Angelides in a left-wing death spiral…

On this quiet Saturday morning in the middle of the summer, one is left to try and contemplate the general election strategy of Phil Angelides as the weeks go by, and the general election comes closer. Right now, Arnold Schwarzenegger is clearly the front-runner in this race. Over the past few months (coincidentally right around the time that Team Schmidt came onboard) the Schwarzenegger campaign has been able to successfully define Angelides weak campaign for him — Angelides is the guy who wants to raise every form of taxes known to mankind. Of course, while this is true, Angelides has been unable to shift the debate to another subject. He keeps trying, but every time he does, the attempt lasts about a week, then peters out. Then Phil seems to get with his gurus and with the new week comes a new theme. One thing is certain, though, from readily available polling data… And that is that the most liberal voters are the only ones that Angelides has solidly in his corner, while Schwarzenegger has the right (bolstered by his no new taxes or fees pledge – as well as fear of Angelides) but also Arnold, right now, is the King of the middle… Read More