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Gov opposes bilingual textbooks

From the AP wire, as reported in the San Jose Mercury News

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he believes full immersion is the best approach to teaching English and will not support a Senate bill that would force the state Board of Education to approve bilingual textbooks in California classrooms.

"‘I learned English by immersion, and believe in my heart that full immersion is the best method of teaching language that exists,’ he wrote this week to Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland.

"The letter, obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, is in response to a bill by Sen. Martha Escutia, D-Whittier, which would require the board to approve bilingual textbooks."


"Schwarzenegger said in his letter that he wants to see the board’s funding restored but won’t sign legislation segregating English learners. ‘I cannot … endorse any effort which may lead to the creation of separateRead More

The End

Part of the make-up of my Midwestern heritage is the deep desire to always do your best. I’ve struggled for some time with the knowledge that this is not what I do best…this blogging thing. I’m a political consultant, not some pontificating blogger. I mentioned that in my initial posts so many months ago that I wasn’t comfortable doing this public commenting thing… that I was more suited for being low profile. Bono was once quoted as saying that as soon as he believed he was putting out crap music in a crap band…he was outta here. I get that. (Mr. Justin, I know Bono, and you sir are no Bono). I wasn’t posting often and what I was posting wasn’t inspiring me…so Lord knows it must have bored you….and I didn’t sign up for that.

So…this is The End. (Normally I’d supply a hot link to something cool about this song…perhaps from its importance to the emotions of the movie Apocalypse Now, or to the gut busting humor of the SNL sketch where John McCain is driven to madness stumping for W….but sadly the lyrics are really offensive in one section…and…well…no link for this songRead More

The End

Part of the make-up of my Midwestern heritage is the deep desire to always do your best. I’ve struggled for some time with the knowledge that this is not what I do best…this blogging thing. I’m a political consultant, not some pontificating blogger. I mentioned that in my initial posts so many months ago that I wasn’t comfortable doing this public commenting thing… that I was more suited for being low profile. Bono was once quoted as saying that as soon as he believed he was putting out crap music in a crap band…he was outta here. I get that. (Mr. Justin, I know Bono, and you sir are no Bono). I wasn’t posting often and what I was posting wasn’t inspiring me…so Lord knows it must have bored you….and I didn’t sign up for that.

So…this is The End. (Normally I’d supply a hot link to something cool about this song…perhaps from its importance to the emotions of the movie Apocalypse Now, or to the gut busting humor of the SNL sketch where John McCain is driven to madness stumping for W….but sadly the lyrics are really offensive in one section…and…well…no link for this songRead More

Governor Must Stand Firm: Refuse meeting with Shura Council

When he attended a rally in Los Angeles last month in support of Israel, Governor Schwarzenegger was making a moral statement.

Israel is a sovereign, democratic nation that is an ally of the United States. The governor has a long history of friendship with Israel, and he was defending his friend as she withstood the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldiers and an arsenal of stockpiled weapons from Iran, which is an avowed enemy of Israel.

Because no good deed toward the democratic country of Israel ever goes unpunished by terrorist-supporting Islamic dictatorships, the governor now faces a full-court media campaign being waged against him by certain Muslim leaders in California who are irked that he didn’t express sympathies for Hezbollah.

"Muslim leaders on Tuesday called Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger disrespectful and insulting for ignoring their request to meet about the war in Lebanon so he could explain his appearance at a rally supporting Israel that was attended by thousands." (Los Angeles Times, Aug. 16,Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Here Comes the GOP Convention…

This weekend Republicans will gather in the Century City district of Los Angeles for the California Republican Party’s Fall Convention (yeah, it’s a summer convention on this election year). GOP leaders and activists from around the state will take a weekend break from the contact-end of the sport of campaigning and come together to do networking, attend panel discussions, participate in workshops, hear speeches and all of that good stuff. As always, the Publisher of the FlashReport (yours truly) will be there to take part in the goings-on, notepad at the ready to take notes for our always-popular "Winners and Losers of the GOP Convention" issue that will come out next week, following the convention.

In the meantime, as we look forward to this weekend’s festivities, what are we likely to see? Well, based on my emails and phone calls, the most notable feature of the convention will be the sparseness of attendance. Many, many GOPers are not going to the event. Why is this? The reasons vary from logistical (the convention’s shift to the summer month of August means it now conflicts with many who are taking family vacations) to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Here Comes the GOP Convention…

This weekend Republicans will gather in the Century City district of Los Angeles for the California Republican Party’s Fall Convention (yeah, it’s a summer convention on this election year). GOP leaders and activists from around the state will take a weekend break from the contact-end of the sport of campaigning and come together to do networking, attend panel discussions, participate in workshops, hear speeches and all of that good stuff. As always, the Publisher of the FlashReport (yours truly) will be there to take part in the goings-on, notepad at the ready to take notes for our always-popular "Winners and Losers of the GOP Convention" issue that will come out next week, following the convention.

In the meantime, as we look forward to this weekend’s festivities, what are we likely to see? Well, based on my emails and phone calls, the most notable feature of the convention will be the sparseness of attendance. Many, many GOPers are not going to the event. Why is this? The reasons vary from logistical (the convention’s shift to the summer month of August means it now conflicts with many who are taking family vacations) to… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Term limit deal stalls

In Mel Brooks’ classic western comedy, Blazing Saddles , Brooks plays the corrupt western Governor William J. LePetomaine. When a report reaches him that a town faces a crisis, LePetomaine turns to his attorney general, Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) and exclaims, "We’ve got to do something to save our phony-baloney jobs!"

It appears the talks on legislators extending term limits are over for now. Good. Trying to slop something onto this year’s ballot would be very ugly and almost certainly defeated, as the voters would see through any sham cobbled together last minute, especially trying to fig leaf it behind redistricting reform. Reforming the corrupt redistricting methods we have will now have to wait, but sinceany reform likelywon’t take effect or be useduntil after the 2010 census, it’s OK on timeline.

This legislature can still try to get it right in an open process and put a quality reform package on the 2008 or even… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Redistricting Reform is Dead: BAD! Term limits ‘reform’ is dead: GOOD!

It is being reporter over at the Sacramento Bee (and I am sure other places) that legislative leaders have scuttled any attempts at putting redistricting reform or term-limits loosening on the November ballot. Dan Weintraub of the Bee speaks pretty plainly over on his blog.

Make no bones about it, the redistricting process in California is hopeless broken. The reality is that the majority uses the currently system to artficially inflake and ‘lock in’ legislative districts that had predictable results in the last election with 153 partisan officeholders for State Senate, Assembly and United States Congress all getting re-elected (or in those cases where an incumbent was term-limited out or retiring, their seat was ‘passed’ to the nominee of their same political party 100% of the time).

The red herring in this whole process was this idea of tying redistricting reform to a modification of the term-limits placed on legislators with the passage of Proposition 140… Read More