Safe Haven Bill Should Be Vetoed
There are lots of unnecessary bills which deserve to be vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger, but AB 1873 is one that should be on the top of his aides’ list of recommended vetos. AB 1873 would expand the state program which allows mothers to safely surrender their newborn infants within three days of giving birth. The proposed law wouldrequire all fire stations to be safe havens and, more troubling, giving mothers up to 30 days to abandon their child without any questions being asked. (The SF Chronicle carried a story today on the proposed bill and it’s author, Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont.) Under existing law, mothers can drop an infant off at a safe haven spot designated by their county (usually an emergency room or fire station) without having to identify herself. After three days, there is still a legal way for a baby to be given to the state, but a mother cannot remain annoymous.
Los Angeles County and CSAC are among the groups opposing the bill. And for good reason. Both organizations argue that giving parents 30 days to decide to give up… Read More