CMR’s Lehane Forgets The Gipper, Rewrites CA History
I know from recent experiences in the academy that the Left is prone to rewriting history to fit their worldview. I can’t rememberall the times I heard from professors that socialism didn’t fail with the fall of the Soviet Union because socialism was never fully realized (like the tactic children use when they feel they’re about to lose a game: "You didn’t beat me because I quit or I wasn’t trying my hardest!"). Well, Chris Lehane from the California Majority Report (sic) carries on that tendency with his post today titled "Time for a Game Changing Play."
In his seventh paragraph down, before introducing remedies for the Angelides campaign, Lehane casually wrote:
"For Angelides to pull off what has not happened in California since WWII–unseating an incumbent governor–he must do significantly more than continue to engage in a debate on taxes…" (emphasis mine)
But… Read More