KJM 580 TODAY at Noon Plus My Wall Street Journal Letter
I will be hosting for Fresno based Ray Appleton today from 12:00 – 2:00 pm on Newstalk 580. Topics will include the Governor’s race, Political Misery and more. Tune in.
Also, I had the following letter published in the Wall Street Journal today:
LETTERS The Lamont Wing Is a Threat to Security
Gen. Wesley Clark could not be more mistaken in his argument that "The truth is that Democrats are as patriotic as Republicans, want a strong and secure America, and like every other American, want to trust the president and his team on national security issues" ("A Judgment on Iraq," editorial page, Aug. 10). The result wasn’t a judgment on Iraq. I have seen absolutely no evidence that the left wing of the Democratic Party remotely approaches anything patriotic, or that it wants a secure America, or that it will trust the president on national security issues. The left, seething with hatred, is breathtakingly weak on national security matters and hides behind feckless organizations like the U.N. at every turn. Leftists openly root for our defeat in international affairs and mockingly criticize our… Read More