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Jon Fleischman

The Governor was right – Terrorist sympathizer did not deserve meeting

In light of recent Hezbollah attacks on Israel, Arnold Schwarzenegger recently sat down with representatives of the Jewish community to express his sympathy and his support.

After this meeting, an Islamic extremist by the name of Shakeel Syed complained that the Governor should also mee with him.

Governor Schwarzenegger was absolutely right to decline a meeting with Shakeel Syed.

Syed is the executive director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, and he demanded to meet with the Governor, then when he didn’t get an immediate response took his complaint to the media. He threatened that there would be "political" consequences if he didn’t get an audience with the Governor.

I can think of a few good reasons why Governor Schwarzenegger should never honor Syed by meeting with him.

Syed was quoted in a story in the LA Times earlier this month referring to Hezbollah as the "militia of Lebanon." Untrue. Hezbollah is a terrorist group, plain and simple. Let’s not forget that Hezbollah was responsible for the deaths of 241 American service members in 1983. It’s disturbing that as a … Read More

Jon Fleischman

KOCE Foundation President Responds

The President of the KOCE Foundation, Dr. Jo Ellen Allen, has taken the time to pen a rebuttal to my commentary from yesterday. She takes umbrage at what she feels was a factually misleading piece penned by me.

I will let you read Jo Allen’s piece (click the attachment below) for yourself, but apparenlty we are going to be doing a he-said, she-said on some of the most basic facts in this case.

I will restate that despite what Allen says:

Daystar was and is willing to pay considerably more for KOCE than the Foundation is prepared to pay – to the tune of millions and millions of dollars; and, Daystar’s offer was in CASH, not a complex web of financing with a few million down, the rest to follow after five years, and, oh yes, a sweetheart deal with a zero percent interest rate!

I will make my point succinctly — government, whether at the federal, state or local level, should not be in the business of televison. Government shouldn’t be producing television programming, nor should tax dollars be taken from one person to provide entertainment forRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: ‘Golden Trash Award’ Recipient Will Be Heard in Senate

Yesterday, the FlashReport awarded its 2006 Golden Trash Can Award to Assembly Bill 523 which represents an outrageous effort by the Coastline Community College District in Orange County to make a de facto gift of nearly $20 million in public funds to finance a bid by KOCE television’s Foundation to buy the public broadcast station, which is being sold by the college district to generate funds. I won’t go over all of the details again, but I will encourage FR readers to read the piece. Since writing iy, I have not been provided with the actual Appellate Court rulings which are very clear when you read them. Presiding Justice Sills, who penned the opinion for the court, voids the sale of KOCE to the KOCE Foundation — the bit provided by the Foundation was for much less money than the other bidder, televangelism provider Daystar.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

‘Golden Trash Award’ Recipient Will Be Heard in Senate

Yesterday, the FlashReport awarded its 2006 Golden Trash Can Award to Assembly Bill 523 which represents an outrageous effort by the Coast Community College District in Orange County to make a de facto gift of nearly $20 million in public funds to finance a bid by KOCE television’s Foundation to buy the public broadcast station, which is being sold by the college district to generate funds. I won’t go over all of the details again, but I will encourage FR readers to read the piece. Since writing iy, I have not been provided with the actual Appellate Court rulings which are very clear when you read them. Presiding Justice Sills, who penned the opinion for the court, voids the sale of KOCE to the KOCE Foundation — the bit provided by the Foundation was for much less money than the other bidder, televangelism provider Daystar.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Slate Mail Mischief By The No on 90 Campaign?

Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates ent out this e-mail this monring to California slate mail consultants:

Dear slate vendors,

It has come to our attention that the consultant for the NO on Prop90 campaign is attempting to interfere with slate contracts we have secured on behalf of YES on Prop 90. They reportedly have asked slate vendors to refund our deposits, questioned our intention to pay balances and linked their NO on 90 efforts to those on behalf of another initiative campaign they represent.

Their unethical actions, if they continue, will result in legal action on our behalf. Read More

Jon Fleischman

England: What the Founding Fathers Gave, Arnold Takes Away

When I received a call today, letting me know that the Governor had signed SB 1441, I was stunned. I don’t think that I could have summed up my feeling better than what Mike Der Manouel says below.

I called Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute, who has been a point person for conservatives, keeping an eye on this legislation. I asked Karen if she would pen something for FR readers to help everyone understand exactly what Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed into law.

Mike Spence’s note below, where he talks about how every single GOPer in the State Assembly (conservative and moderate alike) voted against this bill, was very sobering. I cannot express my disappointment in this bill-signing…

Here’s Karen’s piece… What the Founding Fathers Gave, Arnold Takes Away…Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Signing SB 1441 a “Susan Kennedy” Moment

I just about fell out of my chair about 10 minutes ago. This Governor signed SB 1441, a perfectly hideous bill, so out of the mainstream of social thought that one has to wonder what the calculation is, exactly. What is the political purpose? Are there minions of newly energized transvestites now going to push Arnold over the top in November? Probably not one tenth of the number of conservatives that will stay home in this election, in effect saying "to hell with it".

You can view a summary of the bill here, but I have to tell everyone bothering to read this, including the Governor’s fundraisers, to quit calling because I ain’t coming and I ain’t giving. I can understand triangulation, but this is the freaking gutter. Had you worked the minimum wage deal and this bill signing into the text of the Governor’s speech last… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Surprise! Drivers license bill passes

SB 1162 ended up passing 42-34, all Republicans voting no, plus 3 Dems along for the ride. Good veto bait for the Guv…wonder why they gave him that to tout this fall.… Read More